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RE: EXODE Releases Live Market; and moves forward on its Roadmap!

in #hivegaming5 years ago

At the moment, access to the collection page introduced in this article is for all EXODE captains.

It makes sense to allow access to the market to non-EXODE captains for them to purchase their first starter from players; but I think that option will be introduced once EXODE increases price (at Apr 30th, starters move from 5 USD to 8 USD) as this is exactly when there will be demand for discounted starters from other players.

I see by checking on this public page:

... that your account proto26 did not take any EXODE Starter yet. Maybe you are using another account though.

By accessing website (, and clicking on Login, the website itself should have told you how to become an EXODE captain. (by heading to the shop and taking a starter)

The only case when it does not, is if Hive Keychain is not there! :O

So, you should tell us what happened. Don't hesitate to head over Discord ( ) and tell us!