And with this article coming like a pleasant smorgasbord, you'll get an edge over other players! and know what this is all about!
A promotion card for the event! A special mint! Important discounts!
One of EXODE beta contracts has been announced as being soon removed from shop.
It will then only be available from player offers.
It is also the very one contract to soon know its opening; meaning the delivery of its cards.
After opening, players gain a lot of interest and its value go up. So why does EXODE remove it from shop now?
One answer:
To give that value to players!
Starbase Shop Franchise
But hey, there are other reasons too!
We want this moment to be a big fun for the community, and of course we want some last units to go out before we remove it from shop.
For the most curious we will share a lot of reasoning as comments to this article; sharing some hare-brained ideas. But by all means, let's now get to the juiciest content soon.
Now now... what is juicy about current article and promotion?
Of course a range of discounts ; especially available to current beta investors; because they are the ones who supported us and they deserve to get some reward! but also allowing some new players to pile up some boosters and get started.
Read below (section titled THE DISCOUNTS) to find out more about it!
And a unique promotion card ; you know about our promotion cards right?
Promotion cards were cards which were freely given to players, and thanks to their uniqueness and low mint, easily reached 100 USD value in player trades!
Ok, now you know.
And that new promotion card is one of the most amazing cards that will be ever deployed in EXODE for colonization gameplay.
It's like, that crazy joker, the think you all want to have.
Yes, you too, and you too hiding in the back. You want it.
Very very low mint, so very very high expected value, and not really a trouble in terms of balance in the very big universe. It's just your joker, it does not mean the entire world has this card... so you can have your fun!
And in addition to that promotion card which could get to a very high value (we consider it a three low digit value but that's up to players to decide about it), there is something else to top it:
An amazing discount ; especially for players already owning contracts.
And hey, you get contracts too, and what's wrong with that.
And we are even giving you a lot of information to plan how many elites and normal cards you will get currently with your current contracts.
So now let's see how you can secure some more shop franchises... and why! before it runs out!
Because if I do it right, your neighbor will want it, your grandmother will want it, and even I will want it, so you better get it now!
Hey! Stop here! I already have contracts so I will get nice cards!
That's the spirit too!
So why would you need more?
You need to see what you'll get first, right?
You are absolutely right, Starbase Shop is going to distribute a high number of cards very soon and this post is exactly where we want to give you ample details about it.
We get that in our next section, we won't hide it for you, we want you all informed.
By the way, we must ask:
How well do you know your contract?
Because it has a content rotation mechanic and also a franchise mechanic.
Quiz time! do you know what it is?
Information here!
Content rotation: Starbase shop franchise will adopt a rotation rule, where current drop tables are only used for a limited time, before a significant percentage of it (we are thinking 33% of it, it may change after testing) becomes no longer dropped, and replaced by new card models. We think 1 year is good for that rotation time and will see how development can follow! Yes, it's devlindos, the programming me, who has to do that. It gives you only 1 more year to collect everything, including elites, before it switches out.
Franchise card: Starshop shop franchise (just like Street Franchise) uses the FRANCHISE mechanic.
Every contract pack you own there gives you a percentage of the "total franchise" ownership.
So if you own 3 contract packs, and 30 contracts are owned by players, then you have 10% of the franchise. And that's all nice and you can boast about it every saturday night. It's known that it gives more success with women (and men). And if you are a woman, then you have more success too.
But there is more: well, actually, the real reason.
It gives you the same chance every month of receiving the franchise drop. So if you have 3 contracts, and there are 30 in all players, you get 10%. And I get an emergency beep here! We'll calculate a first monthly winner this month, on October 30th, with current owners (even if the card comes later).
The "franchise drop" is one legendary card, given every month to a random contract pack among all existing ones. And there is no legendary in its drop table except this one.
The franchise drop is an exclusive card that does not exist in the contract drop table, or anywhere else. And is usually better. It will also have an extremely low mint number, so that won't break the game too, but arrange your collection value.
In addition (as if that would not be enough!) every year, an "exceptional franchise drop" is also determined the same way.
This will be an ELITE LEGENDARY card of the same model (I put that in bold, in caps, and would have used golden letters if possible!). Elite means better stats and new features. And its mint number will be just 1 per year. Even uppercase won't carry it. 1 per year. We never had a mint number that low. Its value should go... through the roof!
So yes, I want you to switch to alert mode:
you WANT that Franchise card and you want to get all the starbase shop contracts that you need.
Because the yearly drop will be picked in November. Very soon.
Around end of month, so far after contract is out of mint, removed from shop, and stuck in a safe in our past memory.
And if you don't want it: then it means I really did not explain that well (and I'll be miserable!).
And this supports EXODE development. And development is there to make your cards and packs gain value.
So that's the right pick :) get them all contracts!!!
( DISCLAIMER: please excuse any incentive to make purchases, excuse our communications, be safe in life, "not an investment" (TM), etc. But also... would you like a contract with your coffee today?)
Just kidding of course :)
The promotion card is that item:
This four-legged, maybe awkward-looking machine (but I'll see in 2325 how you will look, yourself!) is called a Deployable (DEP) Omnisite Terrabot (OT), or DEPOT.
It looks bulky, oh yeah certainly, but it has tools.
And jetpacks.
And maybe a cool, though certainly junky feel.
A DEPOT can be sent once to another landing site.
I used the bold thingy, so this means it's really important.
It will always succeed in its landing ; that's what jetpack, legs, antigravity fields and tools are for. No crash there, no lucky roll required, etc. So you can target that landing site up in the mountains that your ship would never had attained.
A DEPOT has room for two people.
A DEPOT will also transform itself into a home building once deployed at that target site ; with base water and energy production. It even has trademarked playcards and a boardgame in it (represented as an activity available for colonists, "play a DEPOT game").
So a DEPOT will basically allow you to run two colonies on the same planet if you want (you read that well, and our engine can do that, and devlindos would like it playtested at some point, so as you can see, it fits the big plans of EXODE)... or to evacuate the two most important characters (and your Origin card if you want) to a second colony on the same planet.
In case you know, the first one gets.. compromised.
as in plasma-melted by aliens from outer space or something.
And at that moment, of course you want to press a button and get away from that nightmare, taking two of our most loyal, most beautiful, most exceptional characters.
So it's your joker.
This will be usable to be equipped once we get after the new wave of colonization tests and allow players to "make a new evacuation to a planet".
Almost forgot.
The ELITE DEPOT is also there as a promotion card.
That shiny elite version.
And the ELITE DEPOT has room for four (instead of two), has a better boardgame (more happiness) and carries two bonus "Johns" with it.
Hey, but what is a John? or Johns?
It's an android.
Johns are new robots, looking 'manly' ; with their locked actions allowing them to collect food, materials, or to work on buildings and production lines. They are basically rather capable workers who do not eat food, and they do that well (working, not "not eating").
There should be Johns models as Epic or Legendary cards from the beta booster collection, but the Johns in this DEPOT do not take space! they deploy free when you deploy the DEPOT!
This allows your colonists to rest under the sun!
And yes, there are no Janes, because people were misusing them.
The contract drops
Okay, now we get to another big information.
So I hope you have your coffee, some concentration left and a few stamina points.
What's in your starbase contract?
Designlindos turned a bit crazy and made many many card models.
Because Designlindos wanted a lot of content for you all.
( As if the 300+ card models in EXODE were not enough to turn crazy! )Now Devlindos, the same guy, is pulling his hair out as he also wants colonization released. I want devlindos to deliver there.
So I thought...
while we are illustrating these cards and setting them up (takes time),
and we definitely want to play our colonization (gives fun!),
Maybe I could share with you the drop table already, right now, to help you figure all of this out?
This way, you know what you'll get ; you determine your chances.
And because the starbase contract uses a fancy distribution system where you get that % to get tools, that % to get holomovies, I'll help you out!
I'll even set some % there in the table below.
Now to get some elites there, some rare card here, enough epics, you'll see you need more of that. You'll need to get these contr... ok... I stopped myself in time! :D
And yes, we use mysterious names.
Because we want you to have FUN when discovering your cards, too!
We would not like to spoil you!
Spoiling is evil! it's what an alien would do. Spoiling you before killing you.
Here is the drop table:
Starbases will give you 3 cards per delivery.
In current rotation, there are three big families of cards:
(1) Tools, (2) Pills, and (3) Holomovies.Tools are rare, and should show how useful they are when you'll see them.
Pills are extremely useful: you can equip them on characters, they'll get a "Pills" slot, so basically every character should evacuate with one "pills" item equipped!
Holomovies are a new thing.
You'll need a holocube player - which the starbase shop can provide too in its drops. How nice is that: the players will need YOUR holoplayer to play YOUR holomovies, or they don't get the nice chocolate of the bonus skills and happiness. And why not try to get YOUR elite holoplayer and YOUR elite movie?
Because Holomovies can have various effects on colonists, from happiness and morale to education and boost of skills. They don't take cargo space, meaning they are loaded on your holoplayer cargo according to its capacity.
With the holomovies come a new Collection system.
Holomovies are part of a series. For instance, there will be several seasons of a holomovie series called "Doctor Travel" (a galactic being visiting planets ; I wonder where that comes from!) which you can collect.
It works like a SET ITEM in regular diablo-like games: where owning more items of the set unlocks more of its powers! So the more of a holomovie series you possess... the more powerful the effects of the holomovie in happiness, morale and so on.
So please go collect all seasons!
And yes I know, Designlindos got crazy, I told you already.
You are in for a treat in EXODE; in no other sci-fi game are we discussing about collecting your Doctor Travel elite seasons.Collect the ELITE version of them please, with all the cut scenes! As it's even more powerful and will have even more value! I told you, that content is wild... !
I mentioned a drop table, so here are the chances for every category and the number you get in less than one year of a contract delivery.
We use that number here because some contracts have that many deliveries ready.
Type of Card | Chances per card | Avg. qty in 50 deliveries (50 weeks) | Elites in 50 weeks |
Special tools | 8.98% | 13.46 | 0.27 |
Special pills | 24.26% | 36.39 | 0.73 |
Holomovies | 66.77% | 100.15 | 2 |
This is what you get per contract in 50 weeks of deliveries! (150 cards).
- There are 4 models of Tools to discover (three Rare and one Epic). With the following chances at the moment.
Type of Card | Chances per card | Avg. qty in 50 weeks | Elites in 50 weeks |
Mysterious Rare Tool #1 | 2.73% | 4.10 | 0.08 |
Mysterious Rare Tool #2 | 2.73% | 4.10 | 0.08 |
Mysterious Rare Tool #3 | 2.73% | 4.10 | 0.08 |
Mysterious Epic Tool | 0.79% | 1.19 | 0.02 |
- There are also 4 models of Pills to discover. With 9.10% / 9.10% / 4.24% / 1.82%.
Type of Card | Chances per card | Avg. qty in 50 weeks | Elites in 50 weeks |
Mysterious Common Pill #1 | 9.10% | 13.65 | 0.27 |
Mysterious Common Pill #2 | 9.10% | 4.10 | 0.08 |
Mysterious Rare Pill #3 | 4.24% | 6.36 | 0.13 |
Mysterious Epic Pill #4 | 1.82% | 2.73 | 0.05 |
- But some pills (the 4.24 one for instance) will also use "a variant mechanic" meaning there can be different models and "flavors" of a same thing, spreading it into many more models. Happy hunting to get them all!
- There are 40 models of Holomovies. So all these 66.77% get spread a lot. In addition, some models are much rarer than others (finale seasons especially are very rare!).
These 40 models are spread in 3 independent movies ; and all 37 others spread among 10 different multiseries collections!
Type of Card | Chances per card | Avg. qty in 50 weeks | Elites in 50 weeks |
Mysterious Holomovie #1 to #9 | 3.21%* | 4.815 | 0.10 |
Mysterious Holomovie #10 to #29 | 1.50%* | 2.325 | 0.05 |
Mysterious Holomovie #30 to #37 | 0.72%* | 1.08 | 0.02 |
Mysterious Holomovie #38 to #40 | 0.55%* | 0.825 | 0.02 |
(*) these chances are presented globally to simplify the reading, but this average is approximated as there are some very light variations in this % because of a special distribution rule in series
So who will get the "director's cut" elite versions of the rarest movies?
Enjoy the hunt! :)
We think collecting all these parts will be extremely fun!!
There should be some trades and communications between players to get them! nice and fun exchanges: give me this, and I give you that!
Exchange a season for another!
Have fun!
As soon as contract opening will be there!
We can't wait now for it!!!
We are really sorry that devlindos is still setting that up ; we would like colonization to come first now, so hit us with all hate, but we want that gameplay!
Note: I calculated all these % to help and support players, but know that a few changes are still possible, for instance as soon as one card model is added it changes the distribution levels.
It should still be roughly accurate!
But... The discount??!
I haven't spoken of the promotion yet!
I know all of you have contracts, you'll get cards.
So where is the need of getting more contracts?
Yes, the super nice promotion card of course!
But also there will be 52 contract mints available. (who does not like 52?)
Until November 15th.
(a) The top four purchasers - with one activated every 5 minimal mints sold to all players, so all are active at 20 mints sold - of these packs will all get a promotion card. This will be an automatic card gain. I will set up a leaderboard to figure out where you are compared to competitors.
(b) Also, the top purchaser of these mints (the holy one, supporting EXODE the most) will get two ELITE versions of the promotion card (with one activated every 15 minimal mints sold to all players, so all are also active at 30 mints). That's a 1-mint card. Sell one, enjoy the other!
(c) Then, up to eight random purchasers (one activated for every 5 mints sold to all players, so all are active at 40 mints sold) among all purchasers during the promotion will get a bonus promotion card. Weight for the random pull is determined with one purchased mint = 1 weight. And the first contract you get during the promotion has "double weight" for this calculation (the first purchased mint = 2 weight).
Weight is the same as the number of tickets you own in a raffle. So you should definitely get one contract to have at least two ticketst! or then, three or more to get more.
And yes, the same person can get several bonus cards that way.
But it's expensive!
So: privilege discounts!
Now the discounts, because everyone loves a discount, especially early players who don't want to get that contract at high price.
All of you early players need to get the price comparable to what you purchased before. And should be rewarded for your early purchases.
That is the reason why, for every beta contract of any type you currently own (right now, before promotion starts, I'll calculate that tomorrow), you'll get -20 USD of privilege discount.
And for every beta booster you own, you'll get additionally -1.50 USD of privilege discount.
This discount will be calculated and then automatically apply when you purchase.
This discount will put the price of a starbase shop down to -90 USD max, so at 109.90 USD (instead of 199.90: it's a -45% discount!). And this will use up to "90 points" of that privilege, keeping the rest for other packs.
The rest of the privilege, if still available will be used then on the next contracts. The shop should calculate that automatically after devlindos has pulled some of his hair out!
You can use this privilege only during this promotion (which lasts until November 15th, or until all mints are taken).
You can't transfer it - but you can still take contracts and send them to friends.
If you don't use this privilege for this event, it will be lost!
- Your privilege will be calculated during the evening tomorrow (around 6 PM UTC).
This means that you can still take additional beta boosters and stuff, as they get -1.50 USD of privilege during that time, so it's like free money added to your boosters!
Launch is planned for this Monday, October 28th, at 7 PM UTC, pending development of course. If launch is delayed because of devlindos reasons, then it's reconducted the next day at 7 PM UTC, and so on. It's definitely comin!.
Event will last until November 15th, 7 PM UTC, or until all 52 mints are taken.
IMPORTANT: then it is "a first come, first served" policy. Until all 52 mints are gone, you just use the thing to have it processed. Paypal USD validation is active during all EU daytime and some of the evening.
If by some occurrence some mints are left on November 15th: they will still be removed from shop for the time being.
Some thoughts and mind-reading!
We hinted that we'll share some of our reasoning at the bottom of the article, but we will add that later as comments to this blog article!
EXODE is a science fiction game currently played on HIVE.
It can be played by just taking any of the 10 USD beta starters!
Feel free to try it here, or to join our Discord if you have any question!
I hadn't planned on getting any duplicate packs, but I do want a chance at that promo... So I guess I'll have to get at least one!
I need that DEPOT!!!
Steal her blanket.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of cryptoyzzy
Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@elindos, I sent you an
TOM's Beauty Capsule is a work of art
The "junky" DEPOT is utilitarian
It's good for getting around
Remember: the Jeep® works, but it is not pretty
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/5) @proto26 tipped @elindos
It sold out in just under 12 hours!
Congratulations to the EXODE community!