Howdy Hive,
This morning I thought I'd take a crack at composing a 'gaming' themed post, as I see that this hobby that I enjoy seems to be relevant & enjoyed content here in this hive.
Between my Steam, Rockstar, Epic, Origin, Uplay, Wargaming, Battlenet, Xbox pc accounts.. I have several hundred games collected over the years. I've always been driven by 'escapism' as a motivation to game, so following that trend I've always preferred the larger open world single player games such as The Witcher 3, Red Dead Redemption/GTA series, and Assassin's Creed games.
Here recently I've somewhat branched out and have been playing titles that are outside the 'norm' of what I've always liked or even disliked playing before. Some of these titles include War of Rights, F1 2020, and the new Microsoft Flight Simulator.
One of those 'new to me' games is "World of Tanks", which is a free to download and free to play title. There is a multitude of paid content available including: premium vehicles, cosmetic skins, and an in-game currency system featuring multiple types of coins... yet it is possible to play at no cost to the user with a progression system of hundreds of free tanks available to use. The game is insanely historically and mechanically accurate when it comes to the tank specifications. Roles in game include: Light tank, Medium tank, Heavy tank, Tank Destroyer, and the dreaded Artillery.
My friends and family have been playing 'tanks' for decades, and I decided to finally join them when the April 2020 local covid quarantine hit. Playing on a regular basis since then, I have found this game to be a lesson in heart-pounding patience, mini-map awareness, and understanding of what your personal role's timing and intended execution is meant to be. You somewhat have to be 'who you're meant to be' and doing 'what you're meant to be doing' on que, while also completely working with your teammates in platoon. The game is technical enough that I can find myself in very intense matches with my Adult gamer friends, and yet also easy enough to manage that I also enjoy playing it with my 10 year old nephew.
As a new player myself, I currently have a pretty low win/loss ratio (under 50% win), yet I'm following tips & tricks from the better players I know, and can honestly see some improvement especially when I'm just playing solo games while not in a platoon with friends.
So to highlight a little bit of gameplay from a pretty low-skilled player's perspective, here's 2 games I knocked out last night. Both tier VI tanks (in-game tiers range I-X), the first video I am playing as a Chi-To (Japanese Medium) and the second video is while I"m playing as a T34-85M (Soviet Medium).
If anyone plays this game and has any feedback after watching these videos, please do not hesitate to share that information in the comments. If anyone readying ever feels like hopping in discord and playing a few matches, then please also send word.
Thanks for reading & stay lifted,
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