(ES/EN) Tips para evitar ser baneado en runescape // Tips to avoid being banned in runescape

in #hivegaming4 years ago


Hoy vengo a hablarles de como evitar una restricciones de cuenta en Runescape, no son métodos 100% infalibles pero probablemente evitara que te manden al foso.

Today I come to talk about how to avoid an account restriction in Runescape, they are not 100% foolproof methods but it will probably prevent you from being sent to the pit.

Runescape es bastante conocido , sobre todo en Venezuela por tener un sistema de baneo tan estricto que al final puedes acabar restringido siendo inocente de lo que se te acusa, esto se debe a que el sistema es automático y detecta patrones ya preconfigurados. Lamentablemente mucha gente es baneada siendo inocentes sin posibilidad de apelar por lo que mucha gente termina renunciando a este juego tan bueno por culpa de las medidas exageradas de Jagex.

Runescape is well known, especially in Venezuela for having a banning system so strict that in the end you can end up restricted being innocent of what you are accused of, this is because the system is automatic and detects patterns already preconfigured. Unfortunately many people are banned being innocent without the possibility of appeal so many people end up giving up this game so good because of the exaggerated measures of Jagex.

Esta claro que apenas entras con una IP Venezolana Jagex te coloca en la lista negra y a la mínima sospecha te banean tu cuenta.

It is clear that as soon as you enter with a Venezuelan IP Jagex blacklists you and at the slightest suspicion they ban your account.

No hagas trade con nadie NUNCA:

Don't trade with anyone EVER:


Probablemente una de las mas obvias, el trade fue diseñado para cambiar items o oro por un precio equivalente a lo que la otra persona va a tradear. Si llegas a cambiar un item muy caro por algo sin valor (o por nada) entraras en la lista negra y probablemente termines siendo baneado en cualquier momento, evita lo mas posible hacer trades con otras personas y mas si eres de Venezuela porque que tu riesgo se multiplica por 1000.

Probably one of the most obvious, the trade was designed to exchange items or gold for a price equivalent to what the other person is going to trade. If you trade a very expensive item for something worthless (or for nothing) you will be blacklisted and probably end up being banned at any time, avoid as much as possible to make trades with other people and more if you are from Venezuela because your risk is multiplied by 1000.

No recoger items del suelo:

Do not pick up items from the floor


Este punto es bastante importante , ya que recoger items del suelo que sean de otros jugadores cuenta como un trade informal , en el Grand Exchange es donde mas sucede este error ya que los jugadores suelen practicar sus skills alli y dejan items en el suelo. Dependiendo del valor del item o oro tu riesgo de baneo es aun mayor.

This point is quite important, since picking up items from the ground that belong to other players counts as an informal trade, in the Grand Exchange is where this mistake happens the most since players usually practice their skills there and leave items on the ground. Depending on the value of the item or gold your risk of banning is even higher.

Borra el cache del juego

Clear game cache

Cada cosa que haces en el juego se va registrando en el cache del sistema y con el tiempo se van enviado a Jagex, borrarlos reducira en menor medida el riesgo de ban.

Every thing you do in the game is recorded in the system cache and eventually sent to Jagex, deleting them will reduce the risk of a ban to a lesser extent.

Ahora explicare como puedes borrarlos:

I will now explain how you can delete them:

Iremos a nuestro disco donde tengamos instalado el runescape.

We will go to our disk where we have installed runescape.


En mi caso el disco C ,luego iremos a usuarios o users.

In my case the C disk, then we will go to users.


Luego de esto entraras a la carpeta de tu usuario y borraras lo que te marcare en la imagen:

After this you will enter your user's folder and delete what I will mark in the image:


y listo, espero haberles ayudado muchas gracias por leer!

and that's it, I hope I helped you, thank you very much for reading!