On Friday mornings these days, the very first thing I do when I get up is set the cream to warm up. It hasn’t been warming up well on the counter, so I put it in the gas oven that has a pilot light. Then I go get my post up for the day and make breakfast.
This Friday, I was staying inside to finish the bills/budget because I had to stay clean to finish the butter. My helper friend probably didn’t have enough time to do it.
Breakfast was more shortcake and maple sausages.
The view I have at breakfast.
Breakfast done, I cleaned up the kitchen and set up for making butter. My helper friend arrived at 8AM and got started. The cream was a little too warm at 68F but it turned quickly and he was able to finish it all. I had a small amount of cleanup to do, that was all. He takes the buttermilk for baking and to share with his mom.
Wildflowers - catchfly
I finally finished all the bills/budget around noontime. I had the last of the shortcake for lunch, this time with plain cream as the whipped cream was gone.
I lazed around all afternoon, watching videos and reading.
West garden - sweet Williams, perennial foxgloves, ligularia, more sweet William, coral bells, plenty of weeds
The contractor showed up mid afternoon and got the materials and roofing cleaned out of the new woodshed and up to the barn. He will finish the siding when he returns in September.
New South garden - the first hollyhock bud opens
The rust on the hollyhocks is as bad as ever. I’ve tried to keep it cleaned off, but it’s gotten ahead of me this week.
It started to rain in the evening and is supposed to rain all day on Saturday. I have several projects for a rainy day, and I think I’ve selected one to finish.
It's been chilly and raining in Denver of late, and even still snowing in the mountains a little! I've been enjoying it, but people are in shock because it's really late in the season for such weather here, lol. It looks like you are having similar weather.
Why is your contractor gone all summer?
He works in Maine all summer.
We were supposed to have a rainy day earlier this week but it didn't rain. I was looking forward to a good excuse to stay indoors and rest up. I managed to do some of that, regardless, but spent an hour or two in the garden, weeding.
You are getting the 2 days of rain that we just had. Watch how fast your plants take off after that. I love the breakfast combo, one cannot let those precious berries go to waste, lol.
Do you know the one thing that truly makes me gag is cream? Someone gave me a croissant slice the other day with jam and cream in it and I didn't realise, until it was in my mouth and I had to politely swallow and eat the rest. I have no idea why but I find it revolting - even though it's the one thing i feel I SHOULD like and that I'm envious of people who love it so much! I can JUST stand it if it has lots of sugar and vanilla....
Hope you have a lovely day in the rain - time for a rest!
And it's the cream's mouth feel that I've hung onto, though I can no longer digest milk. A small amount of cream is ok on things. But for some reason, whipped cream is fine...
There are things I won't eat because of mouth feel, not the flavor, but I'm too tired to remember what they are!