Good luck in the game, I hope it is enjoyable. I'm not sure I am a card game player anymore, splinterlands kind of burned me out on them, along with drugwars. I see a lot of people on Hive liking Rising Star, but once more it is buy cards, they all just seem like pay to play games where the person that can buy the most wins the most.
edit: So funny right after clicking reply and reloading my feed I see that @lordnigel posted about IBT Survival Island, looks like a new demo release coming soon for them.
Yeah... I was disenfranchised (still am really) with Splinterlands. My partner likes to play though and while I'm setting up the new house I just pass her the lap top and let her crack on with it. The cards are there so why not. Personally I went off the pay to win model. However I believe from reading up on Doctor Who it seems they are aiming for a Magic The Gathering style where you can play for free and advance on skill, plus win cards. It seems (if they deliver) it could be a big backed game that solves some of the cash grabby things we see with others, or the small pond only appeal to investor strategies we get with other games. I mean... all games will be tilted in favour of a whale who comes in dropping tens of thousands...on...a... game. Something I'll never fully understand personally. But there's promised more room with this one to be tilted more towards skill which could be interesting and onboard people. Personally I'd just like to see any game have a chance at bringing over the numbers from any gaming genre. Hell, it could be a covid apocalypse kill the toilet paper eating zombies game and I'd play it if it had the diversity and numbers drawn to it with a comprehensive marketing strategy around it. So admittedly I have my fingers crossed on Doctor Who. Staying realistic, but also optimistic. ... I have noticed a churn out of games on Hive recently, but none I want to pay for yet. I'll jump over to lord nigels and check out the post though. I've never heard of survival island?
On other notes, it's good to hear from ya bash. I've been absent a while due to arranging life to be as old normal as it can be in our "new normal" world in the UK. I don't have discord atm but give me a shout when you next throw up a post. I've always enjoyed your content. :)
I take it you found a place? buying or renting until things settle out more?
Yeah. I was in the process of sorting my fiancé visa to move to Canada, but covid and how the Canadian government responded threw a wrench in it. I've never had to apply for a visa before as I'm a dual citizen (UK/American) so never needed it. I ended up moving my other half here and found a suitably rural location that ticked the boxes. I.e. shut the doors, and let the world lose its tiny mind. It's sorta like lockdown isn't happening out here in these parts. Small population, plenty of woodland, nothing near by, etc. How's things over in Alaska? Your camp keeping well?
Not so much covidicy as other places, we can shop with out mask in 90% of the stores. We are able to go out and eat, so 2020 did not involve a lot of significant change for us. It has also been a very mild winter for us. Rural Life is pretty nice.
Hi! Sorry you feel that Rising Star is a "pay to play" but actually I designed the game to be fun first and the fact that you can earn crypto is secondary.
If you get a chance to give it a go you can play for free and see if you enjoy it.
This game is my lockdown project and merges my two passions of music and programming and we put a lot of love into it.
I have not tried it, but I have tried some of the other card type games, I am just more of an open worlds gamer like skyrim, and fallout, I like lots of exploring to do with being able to go off script and still enjoy the game.