in #hiveghana11 months ago

Hi everyone! This is my entry for the week. Thanks for the support so far.


I've often heard stories from my mom about ghosts who died and reincarnated, but I often felt like it was a lie and a fallacy. However, I later had my fair share of life realities.

I was in my third year of university, and I had a friend called Glory. She contacted me one lovely afternoon to say that she was going to the market to get foodstuffs. We decided to head to the market to get what we needed.

After finishing our shopping, we stopped at a nearby shop to get some rest because we were tired due to the sunny afternoon.

Out of nowhere, Glory abruptly recognized someone, and she shouted, "Mr. Matthew! wow! Is that you? Mr. Matthew, who was overjoyed to see her, said, "Yeah, wow, how are you? It has been a while.

During their polite conversation, he informed my friend that he is married and has one child.
He generously bought us some bananas and provided money for our transportation.

My friend told me that he used to be their neighbor in the village.We hurriedly left the market that day.

On the third day, Glory's mom called, and she told her how she met Mr. Matthew at the market and that he was married with a child. Her mom was speechless, and she asked her, "Are you sure about seeing Mr. Matthew? Because the person you described has been dead for a year now.

But I couldn't relay the message to you." Glory replied that it couldn't be true because the person she saw was Mr. Matthew.

We were both surprised and scared. We decided to visit the shop the following day, but when we got there, we were told that Mr. Matthew had left abruptly with his wife and child. The family of Mr. Matthew called the next day to confirm that he had indeed passed away.

To this day, it remains a mysterious event to me, and still, I couldn't get my mind off it.