What Does Hive Mean To Me? Initiative.
Thanks for the Welcome @theycallmedan
I normally shy away from competitions like this as it feels a bit funny to make a post intended to get upvotes. Yet I decided to participate in this #HIVE promotional initiative as it's a good question that's being asked and it's also pretty good marketing. Smart and this sort of engagement being utilized to market a new thing in a tired, over-saturated and chronically diseased global market is very hat tip worthy.
So yep yep I am gonna do dis shieeez - I want to see whether writing down my conflicting opinions may help me understand what #HIVE means to me.
What is #HIVE to you?
It's a lot of things to me and none of these things are embodied by #HIVE itself (#HIVE being the hardfork of the STEEM blockchain and/or the #HIVE cryptocurrency). These connotations I have are largely symbolic, esoteric and probably not as indicative of skeptical caution to others as it is to me.
Look at my Image Header for this post - I don't have to express much more than what this image illustrates. Yes - it was a flashy, sleek logo in combination with an aesthetically perfect branding that got me wanna mess it up a little. Too Sleek yah see, out from pretty much nowhere too. Whipped up like a Mac n Cheese in the microwave.
don't know about it yet.I'm being a bit over the top here but I just can't dig it much. #STEEM was gritty, nonsensical, bizarre, secretive and dangerous in it's hey day. #HIVE, well #HIVE I just
What do you want to see HIVE evolve into?
Oooh that's another biggie. I know what I don't want to see it evolve / de-evolve into and that is whatever Justin Sun and by proxy, the communist totalitarian CIA global psychopathic computer mega network wanted it to be. So that's a plus for #HIVE from me.
Where ever it goes now I really don't care all that much. There's so many front-ends, tokens, dApps and soft-forks coming that it'd be silly to get all mushy and proud over a currency & chain not yet a week old.
Changing The FUTURE – “Learning From Our Mistakes“ to be one that presents the most sensible and conservative mindset needed for the grueling future yet to unfold here.In saying this, I consider @jackmiller 's post here
What do you think about having a large funded DAO for future HIVE development?
I honestly don't know. I don't know how to take the majority of you whales and larger than life characters. I've had an absolute blast the past few months and you have provided such a vitally comforting sense of community while the world falls apart around me that i'm in your debt.
Very willing to contribute and assist where and when I can: maybe even for remuneration from this DAO, who knows?
But I still don't trust the majority of you (doesn't mean I don't like, respect or admire you). Some of this DAO is there in error due to the exclusion-script ran to hard fork out around 300 steemians from the HIVE airdrop.
The suggestion that those who were excluded should submit a proposal for the community and DAO to consider is so Laissez-faire that I don't know what you banking on with such an attitude. Is it the laziness or ineptitude of the wrongfully excluded to submit a proposal to regain that #HIVE airdrop, or maybe it's the chilling effect that is induced by the stern silence and haughtiness of the 4 year old whales here?
I don't know really, I used #steem sparingly over the four years and didnt' really get to know many others. But this #HIVEisALIVE stuff is so typical of cryptoshilling and to see how openly every whale's blowhole is licked clean and pampered by us minnows and dolphin safe tuna is rather disgusting.
But then again, that's just human nature: Greed, FOMO, FUD, lust, numbers on a screen...
What does HIVE mean to you?
Again, I don't know? I'm a newb at this crypto stuff really. I'm not a newbie at listening to my intuition, nor exposing exploitation. It's something innate to me, it's subconscious and I have minimal control over how it operates.
I'm extraordinarily perceptive of late: not of the facts or what is actually going on but at how imperceptive everyone running this gig appears to be.... of people like me.
#HIVE means to me several occult themes being displayed (the word "Hive" the red and white colour scheme reappearing so quickly, the icky mentions of places like SwiSSeyLand)
It also means to me a lot of good people. Some I really enjoy having in my virtual, remote life. These people are far more valuable and esteemed than any "currency" could be to me, crypto or otherwise.
You've been my family for the last fortnight or more and I don't really want anything from you except for you to stop treating yourselves like fucking idiots. I hope for the best, but oh my how blindsighted you could be, lulled into a sense of false security based on whatever the fuck it is you do on a blockchain for the last 4 years.
Said it before and I'll say it again... I'm almost confident that something bigger is finally being cranked into action behind the scenes and this is pantomime to some extent. But I have no confidence of something bigger being controlled by the forces of good, justice, liberty and truth.
Much Love! We Can Endure Almost Anything!
image linked from mustseecinema.com
Lets stop being idiots!! Lmao
You first!