in #hivelearners2 years ago

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Good day everyone, how are you doing? I trust you are fine.
I've been kinda busy these days that I haven't really been active on the platform all because of the lots happening around me.

Couple of weeks back, i had alot of things going on in my mind that I was gradually slipping into depression even without me knowing it.

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Funny enough, it was all about some unmet targets ive set for myself, places I thought I'd be by now buh not there yet, or things still kinda moving too slow for me or I thought.

It actually took the help of people close to me to noticed this to bring me out of it, how was this noticed,I practically complained of almost everything, no sense of gratitude for anything even for life itself, I remember chatting with a friend and I wrote "typing from heaven", yeah it has actually gotten to that.
Those close to me that noticed this helped me get out of depression and
i've currently switched to that cared free life attitude without letting anything to bother me, I've learnt to enjoy the blessing attached to everyday life , which is the gift of life itself

I have also learnt that it's actually okay to slow down, take a break, breathe and loose yourself for a bit just for your sake of your mental state

So, I'm using this medium to reach out to anyone out there going through the ups and down of life that it's okay to pause and live, that doesn't mean you have given up on your dreams, it's more like you taking a break, relaxing, re- strategizing.


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So, it's okay to take that break, go on that vacation, visit that family and friends, go see that movie etc just do whatever you know you can do to help you relax.

Thank you for reading, much love😁😁😁