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RE: A Valuable Lesson

in #hivelife4 years ago

While I don't think we should care much what people think of what we do, our reputation is carried in others and within a community, it matters a lot. Our reputation is what gets trust (or not) and speaks of our level of integrity. Once broken, it takes more than apologetic glue to repair.

Credit for the apology, yet this was posted over 24 hours ago and still not one reply. Pity.


As they say, it takes years to build a reputation and just few minutes to ruin it. Besides the reputation, integrity was at stake once one starts to claim being a leader.

Well, trust has been broken, respect has been lost. Others may give her a chance but ill join the club of those watching close by.

Once broken, it takes more than apologetic glue to repair.

Some folks seem to get a lot of leeway.