Remembering the past (ESP-ENG)

in #hivemotors4 years ago

Recordando un poco el pasado....png

Hello hello my dear readers, here who writes is your friend Yisus with my 1st post here in the community of Hive Motors and to begin with I know almost nothing about mechanics but nevertheless I do not close myself to learn and this is because in the not too distant future I aspire to have my own car and as far as possible be me who repair it or make the first aid hehe.

Hola hola mis queridos lectores, por aquí quien les escribe es su amigo Yisus con mi 1er post aquí en la comunidad de Hive Motors y para empezar no se casi nada de mecánica más sin embargo no me cierro tampoco al momento de aprender y esto es debido a que en un futuro no muy lejano aspiro a tener mi propio auto y en la medida de lo posible ser yo quien lo repare o le haga los primeros auxilios jeje.


The anecdote that I will tell you is about my wife and her father, that is to say my father-in-law, who by chance of destiny is no longer physically with us, but nevertheless he shared much of his knowledge with his children, among them my wife, one of the many things that she remembers with her father is the following that I will tell you below:

La anécdota que les narrare es de mi esposa y su papa, es decir mi suegro, que por azares del destino ya no está físicamente con nosotros más sin embargo compartió muchos de sus conocimientos a sus hijos, entre ellos a mi esposa, una de las tantas cosas que ella recuerda con su papa es la siguiente que les narro a continuación:


"My father was his own mechanic with the simple things, I remember when we disassembled the engine of his 1972 Hornet orange color, it was beautiful, there was a strange noise and checking one by one the pieces we discovered that one of the pistons was scratched and was ruining the base where they go in the engine, we lowered the engine and started to disassemble it piece by piece, I remember that I was the one who passed him the keys and dies he needed, the pistons were removed and we sent them to fix, while they were being fixed we decided to paint the engine blue, we cleaned and polished it well to prevent the metal from corroding, it was too beautiful, after a week between painting and waiting for the pistons to arrive we assembled it again, it took about 3 days to assemble it but it was a very pleasant experience since we shared a lot of family time, since we were all involved in repairing the engine since for us it was like another member of the family. "

"Mi padre era su propio mecánico con las cosas sencillas, recuerdo cuando desmontamos el motor de su Hornet de 1972 color naranja, era precioso, había un ruido extraño y revisando una a una las piezas descubrimos que uno de los pistones estaba rayado y estaba estropeando la base donde van en el motor, bajamos el motor y empezamos a desmontarlo pieza a pieza, recuerdo que fui yo quien le pasó las llaves y los dados que necesitaba, los pistones fueron desmontados y los mandamos a arreglar, mientras los arreglaban decidimos pintar el motor de color azul, lo limpiamos y pulimos bien para evitar que el metal se corroyera, quedó demasiado bonito, después de una semana entre la pintura y la espera de que llegaran los pistones lo volvimos a montar, tardamos unos 3 días en montarlo pero fue una experiencia muy agradable ya que compartimos mucho tiempo en familia, ya que todos estábamos involucrados en la reparación del motor ya que para nosotros era como un miembro más de la familia. "


That's how she remembers it, as you could read my father in law had a 1972 Hornet orange car, I had the opportunity to ride several times in the car and it was beautiful, quite neat, personally I would have loved to learn some mechanics with him, he was very dedicated to his car and although he was not a mechanic by profession he put a lot of heart when he put his hand to his car, I guess that would be his secret to put heart to what he did.

Así es como lo recuerda ella, como pudieron leer mi suegro tenía un carro Hornet 1972 color naranja tuve la oportunidad de montarme varias veces en el carro y era hermoso, bastante cuidado, en lo personal me hubiera encantado aprender algo de mecánica con él, era muy dedicado a su carro y aunque no era mecánico de profesión le ponía mucho corazón al momento de meterle mano a su carro, supongo que ese sería su secreto ponerle corazón a lo que hacía.


This has been all for today, thanks for taking a few minutes to read this anecdote of my wife, I hope soon to upload more content but this time of my own anecdotes, because as I said I aspire to have my own car.

Esto ha sido todo por el día de hoy, gracias por tomarse unos minutos para leer esta anécdota de mi esposa, espero próximamente poder subir mas contenido pero en esta oportunidad de anécdotas propias, porque como les dije aspiro a tener mi propio auto.

Thanks for reading, comment, vote and subscribe..png

Images and banners made by me in canva and the translation made by Deepl

Imagenes y banners realizados por mi en canva y la traducción realizada por Deepl



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