in #hivenaijalast year

As a growing girl it wasn’t hard to tell that the girls where my dads favorite children among his seven children we where just two girls at that time it wasn’t hard shearing the affection with my sister I was only 7years old when my little sister passed.


It took time to heal from that because aside my dad she was the closest one I had, I grew up with speech impediment and all I had was my family, friends made fun Of me so I had non aside my siblings mom and dad but the closest was my sister.

I became a loner and barely talking to anyone.


Her passing hit me really hard and aside not being about to communicate properly, to not even wanting to say a word at all,

My sister was my best friend and and we made a balance and found how to communicate so after she passed fear of being mocked as usual, i kept to my self and found love in writing.

My Parent regardless of the fact that I was not troublesome and I was fine by myself was still worried and they did all they could so i can get back my speech and talk like my peer and not fell less of myself, they did all they could took me everywhere foot could go,

If we where not at the hospital, today we where with an old man or woman that claimed that they specialized in the Cure of speech impediment,

If am not drinking one concussion it is being rub on my neck, looking back at those day I can’t help but laugh and appreciate the love from my parent.

Soonest they where tired of putting me in the hand of people there where only doing guess work.

In this faithful day i was sick and my mom had to go to work same with my dad and I refused to stay with anyone because I was afraid of been laughed at, so my dad took me to work.

On getting to this work place they was this young fine Aunty who was doing her NYSC than I was handed over to her, she tried making small talk with me but because I was afraid of been laughed at i said nothing she just smiled at me.

At the close of work she hard gotten me everything that could make a child talk but still i was not saying anything I was only communicating with my head and fingers, well she put two and two together, than ask my da so not to jump to conclusions.

After work she hard a word with my dad and all I could hear from there conversation was ‘WHERE HAVE WE NIT GONE TO’

She was able to convince my dad I don’t know how but that weekend i was at a hospital ST MARY HOSPITAL where I started therapy.

The doctor gave me a piece of paper and told me to write the name of my best friend I and wrote boldly promise than she took the pics of paper from me and pretended not to know what i wrote, she was pronouncing either wrongly i got so angry and i said at the top of my voice,

That is promise I don’t know what you have been saying.

And she smiled since that day till now I have not stop talking only that i have been a loner since after that I hardly make friends because I grow up not being able to do so.

In as much as i talk now not as fluent but still am selective of where I talk and who i talk too.