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RE: State of Onboarding: Increased Account Demand vs. Limited Resources

in #hiveonboard4 years ago

I know exactly how it works, I've opened an account using hiveonboard.

Point1. Tomorrow I will open another account and screenshot the process so you can explain where the 'voluntary' part comes into it and where it clearly explains to someone opening an account they will be losing , not 1%, but 5% and where it explains the process for removing the beneficiary parent.
It is totally opaque to a new user who is already going to be struggling with a new and unique form of blog/social media.

As for 'referral', I know at least one person who came to Hive through Google! They also got taxed despite not being referred.

Point 2. Do you give a delegation or not? No. I know for a fact because I've seen accounts with beneficiaries added and zero HP.

Point 3.

The open referral system was designed to encourage people to refer new accounts to HIVE.

As opposed to what? Referring them to Facebook?

It's just a sneaky commission scheme.

Point 4.

suggestions how to improve it instead of making false accuses

Which part of my comment was a false accusation exactly?

As for suggestions to improve it, I suggested the scheme be made much more transparent to new users who could have a tick box for the new user to volunteer in to the scheme and a clear link to some instructions on how to opt out.

These suggestions were made in hivewatchers discord a few months back .....

Giving 'free' accounts, taxing them and not giving them the ability to use the platform is stupidity of the highest order. Sorry if you think that's destructive criticism, snowflake but let me give you a final piece of constructive criticism...

Do not ever, talk down to me again you arrogant prick.