in #hivephlast year

To all athletes and coaches out there, Congratulations and Blessed game to all. May we enjoy every game we play, improve in every lose we take, gain more friends in every game, and continue playing even if it's our last tournament we play.


There's no such as last game in sports, you may not be able to compete in the next Provincial Athletic Meet or want to focus in pursuing your desire degree in college but don't forget that whatever you do and whenever you are you are always welcome to play.

Time may pass by but the enjoyment in every game, and the friends you gained will stay. Those memories will serve as your connection to all old players like us and to new/ upcoming players like yourself when you first start to play. Don't forget the memories, feeling, and the fun in every game because you can use it when you become like us who pass our own experience to you. Don't be shy to come and look for us, you may also approach us and ask/communicate with us if you feel that you want to play again. We would be glad to have you again in the court.🥰




Congratulations team for a job well done.🥰 Congratulations for gaining new friends and achieving new heights in your career. You achieve Victory and suffer Loses but in the end you enjoy it. You also gain new inspirations for you to advance forward. Even meeting new opponents who's better than you, and pushes you to your limits.

Well that's good because that's when you surpass your limits and surpassing once limit are everyone's goal. So i'm proud to say that you are in the right track.🥰

Just don't lose focus, Don't be conquered by your bad emotions and don't allow your mind run wild. That will cause your downfall and we don't what it to happen. That the reason there's Sportsmanship (the right attitude and camaraderie in every game). Achieving Victory/ Gold is every players dream but some forgot that there's also the enjoyment and the thrilling part of the each game which even Gold can't compare.



Garnering a Over-all Total of 61 gold, 67 silver and 57 bronze, we conquered 1st runner up in the Benguet Provincial Athletic Meet. We where proud of you all🥰..

Those who Lose, this will be your stepping stone to achieve greater heights and those who win, there will be next challenge up ahead. It is the CARAA Athletic Meet which you will meet greater opponents better than the previous one.

Everyone have there own different path but as long as we keep moving forward there would be a way. There's no greater or lesser in each of us, it's all about the effort we provide to achieve our own goal.

Final quote for today: Put your best effort in everything you do because it will be the deciding factor in every path you take.🥰💞🙏

Note: Putting your best effort will provide you best result even when you lose.🥰💞🙏