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RE: My update about being kicked out situation.

in #hiveph2 years ago (edited)

Read your previous post. LONG but epic and relatable at least to some degree. I never lived in such poverty, but certainly some parallels especially in your father.

Well, long story short I managed to wriggle my way out of starving after losing a good percentage of my hairline to stress, and was doing well alone by the time I was 24 or so. That independence is everything, you'll learn the desperation was worth it in the end. Don't give up.

Anyway, Hit me up if you want me to write or produce any music, or I can fix up your vocals or overdubs etc - sound is my profession =D (no charge, obviously, just for fun).

And keep being real on here, it's so refreshing to hear these stories of life from real personalities like yours


Hhaha, forgot to keep track of the 7k word count and 37min read time.

Its very sadge that more and more people are experiencing issues with their father, a great father figure is central to a son's development. Although for me i have like dozens of relatives *(South east Asian custom). I can look at others to build myself up.

My older brother is also 24 when he struggled against our father, especially since he was already in college. Because of the stress he couldn't keep up with his studies and had to drop out.

It's thanks to him that i realized the storm headed my way and already started honing my skills and finding opportunities online. My earliest post was from 2019 (15yrs old at the time) Didn't do much with steemit because i got scared especially since it was smacked dab near the fork apocalypse.

But ever since i had been honing my skills on all departments.

UWU a professional sound artist! Im currently working on a project for now, maybe in the near future i can contact hive users to create a Music Video together! Of course your my 1st choice.

*Currently doing it myself because its fun especially when im still an amateur and i want to learn not just skills but mindset as well.

Better to develop the soul first before seeking a master to seek knowledge from.

Takuri will be takuri

-- takuri