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RE: Steel, Magic, and Monsters: Origins - Original Comic ♥

in #hiveph4 years ago

Oof that looks messy x_x

You can teach anatomy using comics though I would have used them more to teach narrative and cinematography. But I don't know anything about anything :)

Understand the feels having to do a huge comic in a short space of time, one of my uni projects they tried to get us to do a 2min animation in 10 weeks (which doesn't sound so bad til you realise it's uni, there's other assignments and stuff, we can't work full time on one thing XD and also it was like 20 years ago when things were harder and we had no idea what we were doing xD). Didn't end well. I think you did a pretty good job given you had to cut a lot of stuff out (though there were a couple of points where I kind of lost what's going on, but I'm not going to hold that against you for the time limit ;D).

Also good thing @adamada reshared this, seems like you're one of my glitches (I seem to have "lost" a few people I was following and I don't know when or how that happened o_O).


@kothy, rejoice for you have been noticed!

Also there some new artists that I see but don't reblog until they put in more effort to engage or have a bit more sentences on the post or just post frequently.

la timidez artística es uno de los muros ms fuertes que tenemos los creadores... es un miedo personal que termina siendo un elemento constante en nuestra vida creativa.... los propios creadores son los peores nosotros para sí mismos

Eso es cierto ... Creo que cuando publiqué en esta plataforma, realmente ayudó que fuera anónimo. Porque creo que el miedo viene de personas que te juzgan, a quienes no les agradas y cosas así. Pero cuando publico de forma anónima, sé que la gente verá mi arte y no yo. Entonces, si a la gente no le gusta, puedo tomarlo como una lección, más que como algo personal. ¡También ha sido muy útil que la gente haya sido tan solidaria!

No puedo hablar español, así que utilicé Google Translate para este, pero espero haber entendido tu mensaje y tú el mío; -;

Rejoice! \o/

Yeah, honestly making a comic actually sounds like one way to teach narrative, cinematography, and anatomy... I just wish it were done right x_x

I hardly remember the term when we did this but I can vividly remember making this comic. I kinda feel bad for my friend because he was the one who wrote the story and I couldn't execute it properly because... pages ;-;

Well, I haven't been active in a loooong time maybe the system forgot about me ;-; Heh I'm one of the glitches, that sounds very anime-like

There isn't really a "right" way to teach stuff because everyone learns very differently (even people with the same learning styles).

Apparently the blockchain is creepy and never forgets ;D

But sometimes things hiccup along the way and that's fine, got rectified in this case XD

I guess that's true... But we were hardly taught anything ;-; Maybe college really is just self-study and connections 😆

Well if that's the case then I guess it's one way to immortalize my doodles 👀

Yep pretty much XD

It may also depend on the course you're doing. When I was doing biology the lectures were pretty full on and the labs and field trips were reasonably controlled (but generally only in what equipment and areas we were allowed to access, then we design the experiments and get what we get, unlike in school where we follow the experiment to the letter and if we don't get the same result then we're wrong), the tutorials were a bit looser as while we were still taught stuff it tended to be a bit more conversational with us helping each other a lot and the teacher helping people who were really struggling (like me in chemistry XD).

When I switched to art we were suddenly on our own a lot and the teachers were actually facilitators, they would show us how to use programs, point us at resources, answer questions and the like where necessary and we were otherwise expected to figure out everything ourselves (just like we would in the real world XD). They are still supposed to teach you some things :)

Yeah, I think you really can't teach art the way you would with knowledge dependent subjects because it's really subjective. Unlike biology, where this = that, art is heavily dependent on a person's creativity. It would make sense that in art, it's more on facilitating and guiding (like a critique channel on an art server actually >u<)