Every so often I get into writing. I usually stick to short stories and flash fiction. But more often than not, I like some form of restriction, usually something beyond a basic theme like a certain word count (100 words or less) or something with a set structure like a Haiku.
Here are some of my latest Haikus. Enjoy.
Cat sleeps in sunbeam
The world outside is chaos
My teacher of zen
I seek salvation
empty bottles guide my way
Road paved in regret
Young and old alike
Endless possibilities
Life still unfolding
dark red lips from wine
Sips from cup applying more
Pretty lips, headache
Sun melts away snow
Uncovering lost treasures
Revealing secrets
Too much noise around me
it threatens my inner peace
An unwelcome guest
Meatless everyday
Hooves and feet walk the same ground
breath the same fresh air
Penny in frogs mouth
Will it ever bring me luck?
If I need a penny