Thanks for such a nice reply, @marbrym. Yes, I hope that, in some small way, my mentioning @acgalarza in this post can also contribute to his success here on the chain.
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It shows that you are a fresh and jovial person despite the fact that as you say you are already grayer hahaha.
Thank you so much for this compliment! Most people that I know of IRL would disagree with your assessment of me, preferring to refer to me as "that grumpy old man", hahaha. Personally, I like to think that the perception I give of myself here online is more "the real me" though, and my IRL existence is just a shadow of who I really am.
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I hope to know more about your progress in this new sport. And I must also tell you that I am learning that such a thing exists.
I shall definitely be posting more about my progress in Disc Golf. I wonder what I should call the blog series about it though? Something like "A geek's guide to getting into a sport"? Or maybe "From computer nerd to sports jock, the easy way"? Haha.
I am going to be watching a lot of YouTube videos about Disc Golf at first, so that I get a basic understanding of how the game is played, and learning about the different skills that I will need to perfect. I am also constructing my own, portable Disc Golf basket to use for practising with.
I agree with you that for many, these media allow us to express our true selves, while others hide it to try to deceive. But it doesn't matter, sometimes we have several real selves, depending on the environment and that's fine too. Yes, it is good that you record the step by step of your history with Disc Golf, it will be very interesting. Even down to the craft part of building your own basket. It's always good to get out of our comfort zone, even that is gymnastics for our brain to get out of the rut hahaha. You are a very interesting person. By the way what is IRL?
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autistic, I find that I can be more "real" in my online relationships than the so called "in real life" (IRL) ones. Except for with my wife, that is. She understands me, autism and all.
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Indeed! In fact, I have just made my very first tangible step towards getting into Disc Golf. Look what I have just bought today!
I was only going to buy the starter set today, but I really was hoping that the Ruru disc would come with that set. Unfortunately it didn't, and all of the assorted sets available in the store included the Tui disc instead of the Ruru. So I bought the Ruru separately. Now I'll be able to compare first-hand the difference between the Ruru and the Tui, which are both putters.
Well, in your comment there is a lot of interesting information. Just recently I made a post about a new discovery I had and it is a disorder that couples of people who are within the autistic spectrum usually suffer from. I leave the link if you want to take a look( That information seemed too incredible to me and it shows that when the person who suffers from it is diagnosed and accepts it, it is the guarantee that the relationship can last, because there are many people who have not been diagnosed in their adulthood. Excellent job you have done, but especially your wife.
On the other hand, I already see that Disc Golf is another world, different discs and everything. Hey, but I was briefly looking for both albums and they seem the same to me but with a different label, is that right?