Hello @blockheadgames ! I would like to ask for confirmation that my 3 punks have been minted successfully, as I also ordered them many hours ago and I don't have them yet! I have read that it's a display issue for most people, just want to make sure that it's the same for me and that there isn't another problem! 🌞
Yes, I see them on the chain.
hiveengine.py --symbol PUNK --nftowner christina-madart [ { '_id': 3472, 'account': 'christina-madart', 'lockedTokens': {}, 'ownedBy': 'u', 'properties': { 'hash': 'QmYX9VackktvJqFrgVJUX4HcExx2u46VxYoAU4QFP5cRDP'}}, { '_id': 3473, 'account': 'christina-madart', 'lockedTokens': {}, 'ownedBy': 'u', 'properties': { 'hash': 'QmZvVW4FNbduUrFxxjdCUiJVw2ssiv9wEz1rHDcYjATsQX'}}, { '_id': 3517, 'account': 'christina-madart', 'lockedTokens': {}, 'ownedBy': 'u', 'properties': { 'hash': 'QmeLDaD4nbx3tmoNehJwcAmP4yfB67AauzTAF3gj7bv3Nv'}}]
We are currently at NFT 3,444, so you should see them soon.
Thanks a lot @blockheadgames , they arrived indeed a little after you commented! So glad to have them and I managed to order another one a while ago! 🌞😺