
The queue is super backed up, over 1200 sold, and it's on 778. There is an artificial delay added to the minting process so the servers don't get slammed it can mint about one every 2 seconds.

OK. Thanks for the reply. Sucks that multiples can't be minted on the same block. Kind of sad that we can't show off the speed of Hive, but instead it can take longer than some of the ETH NFTs to show up.

They probably can, but there are so many moving pieces. One thing you got to keep in mind, every single punk every single attribute and accessory and every single profession recalculates their rarity for every single one minted.

I am sure once the hype of launch wears off, it wont be like this. Thanks for the help. I am sure it will show up in the next hour or so.

I have the same thing. I am now sitting on about 8 minutes.

Maybe is just a delay due to a lot of activity.