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RE: Punks on HIve is live!

in #hivepunks3 years ago

I just tried again same thing through the website .... "mint 1 1" rather than "mint 1 travelgirl "

Can you refund again and i'll try tomorrow?


Sure thing, you can preview the transaction in Keychain before hitting send, and look to see the memo and see what it says. If it says mint 1 1 rather than mint 1 travelgirl, just cancel. I'll look into why that is happening once and a while. For now, just preview the data and make sure it is sending the right memo.

Are you clicking and changing something before hitting send? Are you logged in?
Are you wiping out the input box? It will default to your account if you are logged in and don't type anything in the input box.

I suspect you are typing 1 in the box, rather than using the dropdown box up top.


Backtracking what I actually did, first time I did use the drop down and the times after I did put in a number.

1am where I am, I think I need sleep.

Need to trouble you again for the refund. Thanks :)

I'm going to set it up so it verifies the account on the website, right now it does on the backend, but not the website. I will set it up soon to do both to prevent this issue. Refund inc.

made a same mistake. need a refund as well. thank you!