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RE: The HiveStreams.Live Manifesto!

in #hivestreamslive6 months ago

Yeah, see that is not at all what I am looking for. Though it may have sounded that way in some of this. For one thing I am 100% Hive / HBD and to some degree second layer Hive Engine sidechain tokens but at core Hive/HBD, only, no other chains, no other networks, 100% "Made in Hive" so to speak, like a "Made in the USA" kinda vibe. I don't want to syndicate to other networks, and send streams, for example, though my users are welcome to restream anywhere and include HiveStreams.Live, we won't be in the middle of that. That's not our position. If anything, Other networks would need to simulcast to us, to reach the Meta Hive Community in a hive login driven, "in house, in brand, hive-centric" streaming hub.

Browsing your site for example, even before you posted, I was disappointed to see no significant mention of OUR Hive, only the hive network, presumably the storage network, not the blockchain, in that context, and only "name brand" cryptos listed as your preferred methods of crypto payment, but again no mention of Hive.

HiveStreams.Live, literally has it in the name. For all the reasons. But if your syndicates want to create channels which require hive user accounts, we will happily restream their content. Because with the ownership of Hive accounts to login, they are in fact, then Hivians and that's who this platform is for, 100% of the time, 100% of the Hive community.

I am considering storage layers, but not network replacements or an entirely different app. If it came down to a "different app" for storage, I'd just default and still may default to sending to 3Speak, which is very Hive-centric for VoD, and has an API that requires me to change a couple URLs and swap out my codes already ready S3 and Wasabi and StorJ options for their API calls in a couple places.

But I haven't decided that's the right answer yet, its just the most accessible, easiest one handy to stay at pure 100% Hive all the time, out every door and every window, and still retain 100% of the flavor of system I am going foor.

So I mean, there is all that.


If you won't allow your Streamers to syndicate their livestreams and GET DISCOVERED, then you are just contemplating another walled garden, like twitch or youtube.

You say "I don't want to syndicate to other networks". Well...

  1. Most Streamers want their videos to be as discoverable as possible.
  2. Most Streamers are tired of walking on eggshells in the walled gardens.
  3. Most Streamers would love to get multiple sources of income.

I know you want to focus on just Hive. I started out that way myself, since 2014 in fact (bitshares then steem then hive). I was one of Hive's biggest cheerleaders; Peerhub used to be called Hive-Tube. "So I mean, there is all that."

However, after chatting with HUNDREDS of Streamers I learned one thing in particular... They want to be discovered. The best way to help them achieve that is to blast their content out there for them in as many places as possible. It's like SEO on steroids.

The world doesn't need more walled gardens. That's been done over and over and look where it's gotten us. Censorship, shadow-bans, demonetization, account blocks, downvotes...

Best of luck to you though, I was just trying to enlighten you and save you a ton of time and money.

I don't need to replay my old rodeo reruns, but this one isn't the first, I'll be aight. My users will be alright.

The only walled garden is the one they don't hold the keys to. Here, they not only hold the keys, they hold every inch of their own paths, pre and post rtmp box thats just a big old party line telephone switch hub anyway for the ins and outs of the peoples and the bits and the bytes they are tossing at each other.

Your thing is 100% all into your pipeline, which is not 100% a hive product. I get it, you've been here a minute, so have I, in various ways and roles and levels, so I get that not everyone has the long tail view on Hive or its longer term viability. They straddle chains, "diversify", jump on a ton of networks. Others steadfastly believe in the things this place has, can and will do. My thing is "Made in Hive" and by Hivians for Hivians, anyone with a Hive account is welcome to participate, it will be built with 100% hive parts and partners like the tipping engine by @bambukah, the key tools from guys I know around the chain, and so on.

Ultimately, That's the audience, and they still have the freedom to blow stuff into your pipeline too, as long as all those sexy big name syndicated downline destinations don't squash their free speech as much as they say they won't, and allow them all to transact securely and freely in about 3 seconds with each other directly without tokens or middle tiers between them, then they just might.

But if that's all they need, I got em.

That's immutable, and if you check out the lengthy manifesto, I tried to use 2000 words to clarify, where I should have done it in three.


With all due respect, you're completely ignoring the decentralization component of blockchain technology by forcing "Hive-only."

This approach does not work, period. It's already been tried so many times. It is not possible to scale your userbase SOLELY from Hive. This has been proven for several years now, this is not a new development.

If you truly want to build a new platform and waste time, effort, and money, that is your prerogative, and you are entitled to it.

However, by ignoring existing solutions that WORK, you are purposely delaying the launch of your new platform...

I don't understand your hostility towards people who come from different're purposely segregating your users while claiming to be all for free speech.

You're not solving a problem, you're only trying to re-invent a wheel that has already been created and working for years.

Sorry, but I would not support the waste of Hive resources to build another Walled Garden.

This has been a continuing feature of Hive since it's creation, as pure plutocracies inevitably and demonstrably create oligarchies, and Steem demonstrated that small ponds are easily gobbled by big sharks, rendering the Hive oligarchy unalienably vulnerable to relatively small outside investors, like Sun Yuchen.

The only way they have to retain their control of Hive governance is to discourage substantial investment, and they do this by suppressing user adoption and retention and creating an unattractive ROI to such investors. Even a cursory glance at the massively funded DHP Valuplan, that expends enormous funds on a race car as some pretense of marketing of the platform, reveals that the Big Fish in our little, and shrinking, pond, desperately are creating an unattractive investment to preserve their oligarchical control of Hive governance while stripping funds from the DHS. Even if there isn't some form of kickback or quid pro quo therefrom, it reduces the cash on hand Hive presents to investors, and Hive has substantial cash on hand in the form of the remnants of the Founder's stake. Plutocracies are easily purchased by bigger fish, as Steem demonstrated.

The excuse for massive flaggotry that has driven about a million users off the platform since 2017 has often been that such users don't improve the platform technically. Of course all manner of BS has been ginned up by flaggots destroying onboarding and user retention in order to discourage supercession of their oligarchical plutocratic control of governance.

Whether or not SirCork has any such intent is not within my purview, nor even my interest. However, any platform that seeks to succeed on Hive alone will depend on support from that oligarchy, because they have the bulk of stake on Hive. My posts will certainly not attract financial support from that source, and SirCork's may appear to be tailored to that reality for the obvious and apparent reasons I have mentioned. That doesn't actually mean a damn thing about the value of the platform he has developed to Hive, as appears to me to be a well made and highly desirable way for folks to stream.

Let's hope it isn't crushed because it works for the reasons I have mentioned.


Show me the walls, on a system that takes ingestion from anyone with a Hive account. But also let's them send their streams anywhere on Earth that they want to?

If having a Hive account as a pre-requisite to use a "Made with Hive" or "Made In Hive" app, that solely furthers the use of Hive for content creation and financial transactions, is a "wall" for you, perhaps this particular chain's intentions are not for you? That's allowed, but it's not how I position myself as a Hive Witness, a Hive app builder or a Hive community member, community creator or general Hive philosophy supporter.

People can send their streams anywhere they want, many ways to do that, and my site is just one of many that they can send to, IF they have a Hive user account, the only baseline barrier to entry.

But I do not have to send their streams anywhere else, and I don't have to choose to support streamers or streams from outside our eco-system here inside a Hive based app.

The proposal above to "just skin their pipeline" opens up so many cans of worms I don't even want to try and list them all, though I touched on some of them in earlier comments.

We have hive accounts for a reason, many reasons.

By your argument, Hive Keychain should turn into a multi-chain key tool, Hive-Engine should have all the Eth Tokens on it, Hive.Blog should allow wordpress users to post...

Does not compute. Does not further Hive Blockchain in the world. Not for me, and the users I seek, likewise will want Hive to be the one the others need to integrate, not the other way around.

It's about having Vision for this place's future in the crypto world at large, not trying to crutch off the crypto's and networks that are merely bigger or older.

It's a belief set I have, many have, not all have, but for those that do, there is HiveStreams.Live for their streaming and viewing pleasure.

You just contradicted yourself.

You don't want barriers-to-entry, yet you put them up, yourself. You may not realize it, but you're proving my point. You aren't interested in scaling a userbase, because if you were, you wouldn't be completely dismissing everyone else outside of Hive.

Your approach is Walled Garden, yes, you are forcing people to use Hive to access the platform. You're not offering optionality, you're not giving the consumer choices. You are telling them what to do and how to do it.

This is not what DLT was created for. It was created to DISTRIBUTE data, not keep it in a Walled Garden that is shrinking in userbase.

Hive Keychain is going to be EVM-compatible, in case you weren't paying attention to the serious builders at VSC. They are not trying to keep people behind walls of Hive, they are trying to open the doors to new users by offering them a way to move liquidity from Bitcoin to Hive.

Your approach completely fails to further the goals of decentralization.

You aren't making streamers' lives easier - you are making it more complicated by making them go off-platform and jump through hoops just to distribute their own content that PeerTube does for free already?

There is no contradiction, only your fallacy in how it works.

As I have said over and over, HiveStreams.Live is one outlet. You can send your stream to 100 outlets, that is not my concern or any users constraint.

However to transact in Hive, you need a hive account, and this a Hive based app. I suppose you want me to add all 100 major brand name bitcoin/litecoin/Eth/ etc chains and 7000 shit coins to the tipping feature too?

Not gonna happen, Chief. We're talking on the hive blockchain right now. For all the reasons.

There Is NO WALL, except that you choose to use Hive as a personal choice. You can still go comment this same comment anywhere on a billion wordpress blogs. Also a choice.

I do not think your argument is valid, sorry.

It is not possible to scale your userbase SOLELY from Hive.

As much as I don't like some of their operational methodologies like being paid by the DHF to keep their business alive, or some of the tactics of their principle promoters.... Try and make this argument to Splinterlands next. They seem to have made their userbase solely from Hive and its not an insignificant sized user base.