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RE: The HiveStreams.Live Manifesto!

in #hivestreamslive6 months ago (edited)

Wow, that was quite a thought provoking read.

First of all, I detected some compliments in it and for those I am flattered and honored and grateful. Thank you. I feel seen.

But along the lines of feeling "seen", I know that not everyone "knows me". That's a big reason I wrote this manifesto in the first place, it introduces the philosophy of HiveStreams.Live as #MadeInHive #MadeWithHive (can't decide which tag I like hanging my hat on more yet, but I feel like they are both sentimentally accurate)

But it also introduces the philosophy of @SirCork - the me behind the app, profile, witness and community presence.

I have literally had my heart swelled by this chain and its people. I have also had it severely damaged and shattered to broken pieces by this chain and its people. Via technical challenges, platform-governance-political challenges, relationship challenges, creative challenges...

But I BELIEVE in this place. I don't BELIEVE we need to pander to the entire world of crypto and other chains to build our own house. I don't BELIEVE we need to do anything but build our house, and leave the doors open to people who want to visit it, but maybe not move all the way in, HOWEVER, I do believe that if you believe in this chain, you will move in, make it your primary place to be, socially, communally, creatively, financially, philosphically, and well, yeah, you get the point there.

This is my crypto home. I live in it, surrounded by others who have made it their crypto homes as well. We live in a society of our own making. By design and definition and rule of chain-code-law.

Now, about some of your more salient and controversial points, all fairly aptly summed up as "the foibles of DPoS governance and ecosystem issues caused by it"

Yeah, that's a thing. A thing that contributes to the above heart health, both positively and negatively.

But it's a thing that has kept this place alive in all it's incarnations for almost a decade now, which cannot be said for all the dead chains of lore that didn't cut the mustard with their approaches. RIP those dead chains and ideas.

But most of all I want to address it head on, with regards to myself because of this remark you made:

Whether or not SirCork has any such intent is not within my purview, nor even my interest. However, any platform that seeks to succeed on Hive alone will depend on support from that oligarchy, because they have the bulk of stake on Hive. My posts will certainly not attract financial support from that source, and SirCork's may appear to be tailored to that reality for the obvious and apparent reasons I have mentioned.

If it hasn't been apparent from my LONG history of tilting at the power windmills on this chain, calling them out from @Ned on down the list, when they deserved being called out for what most would consider gross behavior in the eyes of the community that is the bulk of this place, regardless of their wallet sizes...

If it hasn't been apparent from ALL of my posts about HiveStreams.Live that I have not only asked for nothing from ANYONE for help on this project, technically, financially or otherwise, but in fact have been steadfastly against that, repeatedly and finance it from my own wallet, blood, sweat and tears and overnight coding sessions for 20+ hours straight and on and on...

If the conversations I've had in discords haven't been seen by all the people, well, thats how discord works, you gotta be there to see those, but yeah, more of the same, I won't be making a DHF proposal for this, I won't be asking the community to pay for it's development or life support, and there will be no stoopid HiveStreams Rally Cars, unless some creator thinks that its a cool way to get views and does it themselves, for which I'd be flattered to see the logo on a car, sure, but I sure as hell won't ask people to PAY for one FOR the site...

I was NEVER here "for the money" really, or I'd have a lot more of it. I was here when I could have stood up a vote bot for sale, made tons of money like some of the other well known folks still around here did to fill their wallets.

I was in a position several times to take advantage of advantages offered to me by "who I knew" and their big wallets, and what did I do? Started public feuds with half of them for being users and abusers, of people, of the funds from the chain, of how they ran the company that used to own the old chain before Hive and so on...

I can be accused of MANY terrible traits, I am sure, but if there is one I cannot acknowledge as true, it would be that I am or would pander to the "powers that be" big stakeholders.

If they approach and engage and like what I am doing, I am not AGAINST working with somebody with money - but only because it would further the technical capabilities of the HiveStreams project, the visibility of the project to users who may not have known about it, or in general things that will provably benefit first the users of this Hive ecosystem, and second, the users of the HiveStreams.Live tool, and third, the fundamental principles of it's open nature. No community overlords saying who can and can't broadcast, or watch, like some f the prior projects of this nature have been, even ones I built before, purpose built for specific communities like MSP Waves was when I built it. It was a different kind of thing, and walled for reasons, but this time, I am superceding that old thing with this new thing. A platform for EVERYONE in HIVE to have a HIVE based streaming home.

No matter their wallet size, I am listening to their input in my HiveStreams discord, and doing "the next right things" by considering all of it and making decisions based on it combined with technical feasibility and how frigging hard some of it would be to do in code. That's about the only drivers of how I decide what it can, should and will do next. I would like it to do all the streamer things that the big majors do, but they have been building their apps with 50 devs, for 20 years, with a billion dollars. I'm just a guy. With no money. And some ideas.

But the main idea here remains:


For all the wins and losses, pros and cons, whales and minnows, that the Tag invokes.

Thank you for your deep feedback.


Do note that I used the word 'succeed' as do most to mean financially rewarding. Insofar as that isn't what you intend, that statement is more or less false. I consider myself quite successful on Hive because I have no financial metric whatsoever. I do not use Hive tokens as money. I bend nails and crawl around under rotting houses for a living. I come to Hive to speak freely about political realities, mostly about free speech and sovereignty dependent on it. As a result I attain well some goals I have, the foremost of which is to be criticized when I am wrong so that I can stop being wrong.

Insofar as your goals aren't financial in nature, my comment regarding your success depending on an oligarchy controlling a plutocracy is irrelevant. Your stated goal I have read, above and at the link you shared with me earlier, of providing a tool for Hive users to livestream their content with, seems already to have succeeded, because AFAICT, is a good tool to do that with. I confess that I am a poor judge of such tools, however, because I do not produce video. I am very frustrated that I can only link to videos, and cannot share snippets of video because I do not have any account that enables me to post video to the front end Peakd, because Peakd doesn't enable embedding any video except Youtool - which I would prefer to never again use, because they are the creepiest of creepy stalkers and the most censorious of censors - or 3Speak, which is not often a source of the vast majority of video I would link, and I have no intention of learning such a complex mechanism to make money posting videos because I have no interest in making money from posting videos.

I would use video to provide evidence in support of my theses, but it would be video others produced and made available for that purpose. I used to be a computer enthusiast back in the 80s, but I am no longer desirous of such hobby. If I could post videos in support of my posts easily I would be willing to tolerate a very gentle learning curve, but at my age my health and burgeoning frailty is becoming an ever steeper and more onerous learning curve I am dependent on surmounting, leaving ever less of my attention available for career changes and new hobbies.

I can froth at the mouth just fine via text, and have managed to learn to post pics on Peakd with proper attribution. Adding video to that would be nice, if I could do the same as I do with pics, and post others' work with proper attribution. That doesn't sound like livestreaming to me, so appears to be made for a different demographic than me. That's as applicable as my criticism and feedback can be to your project, and you're quite welcome to it. I do sincerely wish you great success in the endeavor and by the metric you have stated. I too am here on Hive after seven years, and not for money, but the community I have found and that kindly pare away my misunderstanding, and remnants of hope their definitions of success may yet come to fruition.

Well thanks for the best wishes. It is difficult to find what you seek, and there are multiple vectors to why, among them utilizing other people's content exacerbated by the networks on which that content is stored and their gate keeping rules as well, followed by the difficulties in compatibilities such as you mentioned about not being able to embed various distributors media players into blog posts and on and on.

But you are correct, while indirectly some of that may occur ON a live stream, such as in a reaction video, it is in and of itself, not "live streaming" to play recorded content to viewers, without associated content alongside it.

The storage costs for all the video are also astronomical, which is why on the billionaire backed networks could do it long enough to attract corporate advertisers who in turn foot the bills now, for companies like YourTool and Twitchiness.

But for me? Give someone a visual motion video outlet for their podcast, talk show, original music, or music lessons or political rantings for their countries side taking sider takers to listen to and argue about, or whatever, is good enough, and a chat room (which will improve over its current fledging get-something-up-and-running version) is requisite beside that so the audience can interact with the show host(s)

I'll figure out how I can make a living from it, thats definitely not forgotten, I have to eat, and this is and will be a full time job around the clock for the rest of its existence so... Its not like I am some kind of minimalist socialist anti-money weirdo, I am just sort of anti-being-coerced by somebody ELSES money. Last time I checked, that was akin to fascism.

The Last Nail Bender huh, I'd watch that movie.