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RE: The HiveStreams.Live Manifesto!

in #hivestreamslive6 months ago

Well thank you. To be very transparent, HiveStreams is not very "decentralized" per se, but then it doesn't really need to be. It doesn't store anything much except whatever you write and put as profile images and info on your channel page, the streams are just using my server as a hub but could be simultaneously sent to any site at the same time, youtube, twitch, FB, twitter, wherever they consume and forward rtmp video feeds, and the logins are all via keychain or hivesigner so I dont store that either.

Its really just a site to connect users to streamers and have a little chat, also not saved except in the chat window for a while, but not in any kind of database, thats done with websockets and a service called "pusher" that just sends the text to everybody and back and forth.

So if my site when down, nothing would be "lost" really, except the convenience of finding and watching hive-centric streamers with hive-centric confirmed names/logins and chatting and watching with other confirmed hive names so you know you are watching and talking to the real hive people per their login on keychain or hivesigner to get into it.

Complicated to explain, but there is nothing to really "decentralize" - even the transfers and money exchanged by tipping or memberships to channels are just pushed to the keychains to validate on the chain and transmit.

So I guess its not only not decentalized, it doesnt even really have a center in the first place haha!


So I guess its not only not decentalized, it doesnt even really have a center in the first place haha!

Once we have decentralized storage solutions as a part of HIVE, even the video content can be saved and preserved. All that will be required is a HIVE account. I love the idea of not having a center to begin with. DAPPs as an emergent effect is wonderful thing IMHO.

Since you were talking about cyberpunk and media, I think you will like one of my all time favorite franchises:

So about media on the chain.

I AM exploring various avenues to IPFS and watching the VCS proposal closely... either or both could lead to archival de-cent storage for stream replay VoDs (videos on demand) but for now, Im opting NOT to store live streams for a dozen reasons, and people can still save their own and upload them wherever now, or simulcast to venue that saves them or five of those at a time, with places like or streamyards services...

Once upon a time myself and another witness back then, sat one night on a discord call and created code between us that literally stored a copy of the star wars movie trailer onto (then steem) blockchain blocks. We were able to store it in chunks of video data in stringified text format, then reassemble and play it by retrieving, ordering and stitching the block content back together.

We also crashed the entire blockchain with that for something like 17 hours till all the witnesses were able to rewind and replay the chain to the point our "bad blocks" hit the chain :) Oops! Our bad! We took some shit for that :D

That is an incredible story. I had no clue that you were part of ones of the outages. This is why it's best to have specialized blockchains for specific tasks.

or test networks, but that was like mid 2017, we barely had a REAL network back then.