I have successfully completed the 4 learning and growing months in hive and same way running in 5th month so far. It is fact that i came to know about the hive blockchain just 4 months ago but it is also fact that i migrated here from Steem blockchain after the separation so i had started the blockchain journey from June 2017.
How i came to know about Hive?
It was 24th March 2020 and time was around 9:30pm when i came to know about our hive blockchain from the same person who had told me about Steem blockchain, so you can say that it was a coincidence.
Actually everyone was shocked due to complete lockdown here in India which was started from 22 March 2020. Since he knew that i have a sale and service store and look after family whatever earned from that store therefore he was in little tension about me and he has called to me to know what you will do now when your store has been shut down already. I just told him that lets see what happens..
After some conversations he told me that you have around 1100 Steem so you can utilize that after power down, but i was not ready to do that because price was to low, then he told me that you can get same amount of power from hive if you join there. It was really interesting news for me but since it was new word (hive) for me hence at least 8 days check its potentials and started find out known users and when i saw almost all known users are here in hive then i login into it.
The person who has told me about Steem and hive is not active now in any platform so far because he has been flagged by Cheetah but as person as a human he is nice man not for me but for other also. His user name was @whiteblood.
What i have experienced in 4 months
Some weeks of April 2020 was little struggle period for me but as usual i have regular supports from @ecency and some old friends on regular basis but i knew that it is normal thing and it happens with all in new platform. While checking the feed i saw that some friends are getting good amounts of upvotes in their Vlog hence i decided to start daily Vlog using @threespeak and i did that. After 3 or 4 posts i got support form @appreciator, @threespeak and @rocky1 on regular basis and some times but valuable from @theycallmedan. The time to time breathing support from @firepower and his trails can not be forget at all. After getting this type of supports my inner fear whatever was in Steem has been vanished fully.
So i can say that May, June and July was the month as growing month for me and i earned at least 1000 HP and more than 100 HBD. It means it is good for me at all hence i decided get Some HP as delegation to support other friends and i have already to get more delegation in @dlease.
The more exciting time came when i came to know that @nathanmars has been back to our hive, After that we have a small one to one through Whatsapp and that day we only talk about the movement in Twitter for #hive.
What are the best things in Hive?
As i have observed so far until today everyone getting full support from whales if users has done really good and original work it doesn't matter user is new or old. We have more secure signing process too. Looking this type of positive activity new users are giving their best everyday. I welcome this activity and it should not be stop ahead.
The bad things for hive
To find out the lacking is easy always but personally i would like to say that i am unable to find any lacking because i know it is only 5 to 6 months old, it has lots of time to cover up if there is any found by anyone.
What activities we should do for growth of hive and ourselves?
First and last, only one thing, we should understand that we are as a business owner and HIVE is our products and we have to sell it everywhere daily. When every user of HIVE will get this platform as an own property then only Hive can grow as everyone wants. It doesn't mean that we have to give full time only in marketing of hive but a short honest efforts will be useful.
Let’s keep BUIDLing our Hive
Lets keep building own hive.
Don't worry, he will stay always with you in any form or figure.
Thanks for reply, i know.