You guys really seem overstretch and that seems to be impacting the investigation, so resourcing is a big issue but you know that already.
I see lots of newbies, many genuinely don't know about sourcing or where the line is and keep on making mistakes. Others, of course are just pushing their luck. Would it help to give first time offenders a list of "things frowned upon on Hive" instead of blacklisting them immediately? That may help to keep genuine users on Hive.
In many cases we are unable to tell who is new and who is a fake account, particularly when the user shows clear signs of understanding the community beyond the usual range of a newbie who looked things up.
What would be good to see is more groups aimed at talking to newbies. Right now we refer to The Terminal but I know they can't take on everyone.
@guiltyparties I just regained access to my account after several years being dormant and now every comment I make is being downvoted- and the dicord is all blacked out to me. I can't even post in any channel for appeal. Why is this? And how can it be fixed?
Ever heard of “In dubio pro reo“ — If you are not sure then don't do anything.
There should be no blacklist in the first place.
I agree with this. I didn;t know bots were following me and HW blacklist me for it