Hello, the Hive community. I am TheDudeExplains, I was accused by Hivewatchers, of Plagiarism, and reposting the previous blog. This is my apology post for the community.
So the posts that were tagged are mentioned below
Post1 Post2 Post3 Post4 Post5 Post6
Post 1 to 5 Are accused of Potential Text Plagiarism, and Post6 is accused of Repeating the previous blog post.
I apologize to the Hive community, and Hivewatchers, for this regretful act. I hadn't noticed that taking pictures and data from some websites as part of research on the topic I am writing about, also counts towards Plagiarism. I would keep in mind that I'd have to mention the sources of the data and mention the sources from where Images are taken.
For the Reuploading Part, I wanted to delete the previous post, but since there was no delete option, I had no choice, but to edit it, and write Deleted in the post. Then I re-uploaded it after tagging it as deleted. It was marked as a reupload, even though the previous post was technically deleted.
Whatever might be the case, I apologize to the community and hivewatchers, and would make sure to not let this happen again.
Thank You