I made one minion and minion like potatoes using shrink plastic after the meal
Minion 主題的餐有兩款喔,我這裏只試了牛肉的,想看看另一款雞肉的芝喳喳芥末雞堡餐(更像羞恥play的名字啊)的話可以按 這裏
here.,看 @carobetc 的帖喔。
There are 2 minion lunch set, I tried the beef one, if you know about the ooh-la-la honey mustard chicken burger (so embarrasing) set, you can check out @carobetc 's post
電影神偷奶爸3(Despicable Me 3)正在香港上映,麥當勞出了minions 主題的餐還有精品作宣傳。網上看到有人說挺好吃的,所以去買了回家試吃! 我買了傻蛋孖牛堡餐,這個餐配了一個傻蛋孖牛堡,6件脆薯嘜(即是小小的薯餅)和飲料,飲料就不拍了。說一些題外說,傻蛋孖牛堡這個名真係傻到不行,點餐的時間簡直是羞恥play啊(寫完英文後發覺英文名更令人害羞呢)。我問店員拿了墊餐盤的餐紙,超可愛的,在家也的有堂食的感覺。 |
Cinemas in Hong Kong are playing Despicable me 3 and McDonald's released minion lunch set and minion stuff for promoting the movie. I saw people said the lunch set tasted good online so I bought it and tasted it at home. I ordered an eggcellent silly double beef burger set which consist of an eggcellent silly double beef burger, 6 minion potatoes and 1 drink. BTW, it is embarrass as hell when ordering the set, eggcellent... I asked for a paper placemat which is super cute. |
打開看一下,漢堡上的minion挺可愛的,但是薯餅是甚麼一回事? 根本是日本的埴輪人偶啊!一點都不像minion啊。 | The minion on the burger is quite cute but WTH with the potatoes? They looks nothing like minions but Japanese haniwa to me! |
image source: https://digventures.com/2015/02/haniwa-death-cult-pottery-with-personality/
漢堡裏有兩層漢堡肉,一層雞蛋,一塊芝士,幾條洋蔥,醬有沙律醬和甜甜的黑椒汁,味道一般。 | The burger consists of 2 patties, 1 egg, 1 slice of cheese, some onion, mayo and sweet black paper sauce. It tastes um... ordinary. |
埴輪薯餅裏面滑滑的薯蓉,味道一般。 | The inside of the haniwa potatoes is smooth as mashed potato, and it tastes ordinary... |
味道是預期之內啦,反正是因為minion才買的。心血來潮用熱縮片做了埴輪和minion的吊飾(其實是因為材料剩下來,在想辦法用完)。 | I made pendants of a haniwa potato and a minion using left-over shrink plastic. |
It looks exactly the same as haniwa
You guys are not buddies!!
Ha ha ha , so cute
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Thank you :)
So cute but taste is bad 😂
It is for minion fans only!
"one eyed" subliminal messaging maybe? Check the quality of the food (what's in there) is that healthy for you?
Minions=Illuminati confirmed?
The food is not healthy of course, it is McDonald's!
查了一下 台灣出的好像是麥克杯和開心樂園餐喔。http://m.cardu.com.tw/detail.php?T=B&K=15172
Me too!