Greetings to all steemians!
I've been searching some contest since I'm running out of idea what to post and too occupied with my personal life. This month I saw this awesome contest with big prizes so I grab the chance to join! Why not? LOL! This contest is all about art, with the theme horses in the combination of the HK crypto platform. You can choose either traditional or digital art. I'm just a casual self-taught artist trying hard to join in some art contest, LOL!
Here's the link for the contest.
HKCEXP Mascot Design Contest | 900 STEEM & $1,500 worth of GCX Price Pool
So, here's my traditional drawing presenting HKCEP logo. A male and female cartoon horses. The color requires either burgundy or gold. My procedure is shown down below. Again, I'm not a professional artist so feel free to comment any suggestion, negative is accepted LOL!
My process:
- First I make a rough draft for my sketch using a pencil.
- After the sketching, I used black liner to trace the outline of the drawing.
- Then I started to shade the drawing using colored pencil. Honestly, I found hard to blend the colors to turn it into burgundy LOL!
- And lastly, I used black liner again in my outline for the final touch.

Keep calm and be creative! 

This post was made from