(ENG/JP) 洗濯物の干し方 in シンガポール ~ How to dry the laundry in Singapore / HK-JP-SG cross-community challenge

in #hkjpsg7 years ago (edited)

I am accepting HK-JP-SG cross-culture challenge and writing a post regarding the way they dry their clothes in Singapore.
Much like everything else in life, Singaporeans do laundry a little different than we do.


She lived in a high-rise apartment (Public housing apartment) where was 15 minutes off Somerset by MRT train. I visited tourist spots while I was staying at her place.

On my arrival day in Singapore, I opened a window at her place to look outside and noticed that there was something hanging on a long bamboo pole sticking out of her next-door neighbour's balcony. I was much frightened at the sight.

I asked her, " What are they on a bamboo pole? Why does the pole come out of the balcony?".

She chuckled, ''Those are the laundry that are hung on the pole to dry. Most of the residents in the apartment dry clothes like that way, because there is not much space to hang them in the balcony. It astonished me at my first sight though."

Me : '' What if those clothes fall off the pole?"

Her : " Umm, they go downstairs to fetch the clothes and wash them again. I usually dry all the laundry in my clothes dryer, it's a lot easier!
I don't want to hang all the stuff on the pole and take the pole out, too much job!''

So many countries, so many customs and culture. LOL


皆さん、こんにちは。今回、HK-JP-SG クロス・コミュニティー・チャレンジでシンガポールの文化について投稿することにしました。

そしてシンガポールの住宅事情ですが、シンガポール人の8割がHDB (Housing Development Board)と呼ばれる高層の公団住宅に住んでいます。この公団住宅はシンガポール国民しか購入できません。しかしながら、外国人は賃貸することは可能です。



私は友人に、「物干し竿に掛かっているものは何?洗濯物なの?どうして物干し竿がバルコニーの外に出ているの?」 と聞きました。


私 : 「もし洗濯物が落ちたらどうするの?」

友人 : 「うぅん、下まで拾いに行ってまた洗濯するんじゃないかしら⋯。私はいつも乾燥機で乾かしてるの。だって干すの面倒くさいし、乾燥機で乾かす方が簡単だもの。」


Thank you for reading!




LOL. Yes, for many many years, this was how we hang our laundry in the older estates.
I remembered dropping the pole (from 12 storey high) a couple of times too. Had to rush down the block to retrieve them.

Scary... Luckily nobody was hurt... As I grew up living on landed house, so I never have this experience until I went to my husband's old house (flat)... That's the first time I really hung clothes outside the window (no balcony)... And I was really afraid the clothes will be blown away by the wind... LOL

Thank you for your comments, @jrvacation and @elizacheng. When I was in Tokyo, I lived in a small apartment coz the housing condition is bad in Japan, especially in the big cites, too. However the balcony was large enough to hang my clothes!

この洗濯物の干し方はすごいですね^ ^



香港でもこんな干し方をしてるのね!こんな干し方をするのは嫌だけど、洗濯物はやっぱ太陽の下で干したいよね~ (^^)





The same applied to older public housing estates in Hong Kong. It was part of the facilities provided in each of the flats in the estates back then in 1970s - 1980s. Nowadays people won't dry their laundry on bamboo poles anymore.

Really? Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated places in the world. They live in tiny apartment units. Is there any space to hang the laundry in the room? Or do they dry their clothes in a dryer every single time? Very interesting! :)

New apartments may have a small balcony for drying laundry. If there is no balcony, then people will hang the laundry at the windows. Not many people have dryers at home in Hong Kong.

I live in Melbourne, Australia. It rains a lot in winter and more than a half of households in Melbourne have clothes dryer.
I have never been to Hong Kong, am keen to visit there to see their daily life sometime! :)

Sure, please come over some day.

I haven't been to Australia. I hope I can go there soon. I heard from my colleagues that Melbourne does rain a lot. Sydney could be better maybe?

Yeh, I will stop over in Hong Kong on my flight back to Japan from Melbourne one day.
It also rains a lot in winter, Sydney. But it's pretty hot and dry during mid-summer in both of the cities!


こんな干し方をしたら私も気になってしょうがないと思います。風が強い日なんて、洗濯物が飛んでしまいますよねぇ (´△`)


シンガポールに住んでいる友人はいつも洗濯物を乾燥機で乾かしているそうです。でもシーツを乾燥機で乾かすのは時間がかかるから、本当は太陽の下で干したいんだけどねぇと言ってました ^^;

Can they hang the clothes in the apartments? This is why people need houses.

I reckon that some residents hang the laundry in the apartment. But, it takes up too much space and there will be a little space to walk around in the room. LOL

Yeah, people need more space. I understand.


You know what, one has to throw a long and heavy bamboo pole out (with much wet clothes on and wetness does add weight to the pole) and tucks it into a tiny hollow outside. Some mishaps did happen. Poles and people both fell to the ground....

Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 6.14.36 pm.png
Screen Shot 2018-05-07 at 6.14.44 pm.pngI took some photos ages ago (oh sorry, I am @prch and manning the @orientalhub account now) in Hong Kong where ageing public residential buildings do have these too.

Hi, @prch. Oh my gosh! My Singaporean friend who's in an apartment is always scared to walk through the coutyard as all the households' balconies face onto the countyard and both clothes and poles might fall off....





that's actually true! There have been some cases of those laundry poles falling down and hitting people. I'm sometimes a little scared when walking below them and I quickly rush into the void-deck. They need to be careful when hanging their laundry. Most of the time, only clothes fall off xD

Thank you for your comment. That's true. I'd never walked below the laundry poles during in my stay at my friend's place in Singapore, too. LOL


@nahaha and @prch also mentioned it to me. It's very interesting for me to get to know the other countries' culture and customs. :)

haha it's also familiar in HK

It's true. I had a talked to my workmate who's from Hong Kong a couple of days ago. She used to hang the clothes like it there, too. Thank you for your comment! :)

haha HK flat is small and there no space to hang the clothes haha

Hong Kong is the fourth most densely populated region in the world, after Macau, Monaco, and Singapore. No wonder HK apartments are so small! :)

and so expensive!!!!!