in #hl-w78e12 years ago

Hello to every distinguished member of this great platform, where we are given the free will to showcase our writing prowess without being judged but encouraged and always supported. I wish us all a happy and prosperous month ahead. It's been a while since I last wrote here and I'm excited to share with us some interesting things set aside for me to achieve at the end of the year.


It's the beginning of the "Ember" months and I must say Thai year has been one of the best year for me. I could remember that at the beginning of the year, u didn't really take having a new year resolution serious because I felt it's going to be my final year in school and I'd really be busy, so, finishing school was the most prioritized thing on my mind.



But then, I sat down to think about how life after school would be like, I have to just brace myself up and set some goals for the year. I did set them and they started looking unachievable from the start. And I was already feeling like I'm beginning to force myself to do things, because I never had it in mind to set goals for myself right from time.

I began with the first thing on my list which was to take an advanced class on how to make male shoes and wallets. With the help of God, I began it and I was enjoying it until school had to resume the session, so I prepared myself and went back to school. On getting to school, there was a little delay due to an internal strike and I decided to seize that opportunity to learn how to make female handbags, male wallets, sovernier bags etc. It was one of my goals but I didn't think to achieve it that early, but, Alas! I started it and I was enjoying it too until school began proper.



Now, school or me is gradually coming to an end and I'm happy that the academic goals I had set for myself, I'm getting closer to it and I'm sure I'd get them before the end of my BSc degree program. I know there's just 4 more months to go before the year finally runs out and the rest of my year 2023 goals is to round up my training as a back maker an win more souls for Christ.

It hasn't really been m easy year but I must say I've learned alot, and I must say this has really moulded me to be the most enduring person that I am today. I know I still have a lot more to achieve beyond bag making before the year runs out and I know God will grant me the strength to pull through till the very end.

Thanks so much for always stopping by my blog, y'all all the real MVPs 😁🤗.
