The Mystery of Black Holes

in #hlack7 years ago

Why do we call the black hole "black" hole? Is it a color art? Is the only dark beast, dark? Does the black hole live in the right place? What is the black hole actually? Many such questions will surely come to your mind. After reading this article once, you will get answers to all these questions in straightforward and simple language. Without any hesitation, we can say that the black hole is one of the most awkward places of this whole universe

It is a place in space, where the gravity of gravity is so powerful that no one can escape anything, even the light is not there! You must be aware that anything can become a black hole! Yes, you heard right.

By anything I mean nothing! And I am not saying this myself, it has been proved by mathematics. Whatever the density of that thing, the greater the gravity of it. This is the same as the black hole, it also has 'density' so much that it has a lot of 'gravity' and hence also attracts the light.

As you may know, light is the fastest travel in this world at the fastest speed. So if the light cannot survive, it will come out of this black hole, so what else will it run out of this black hole? You must be thinking, how can anything be transformed into a black hole, that is, change? So, brother, this is possible only when we make anything very, very compressed, that is to suppress it.

Pressed the highest mountain Mount Everest so much, so pressed that it turned out to be 1 nanometer, then it will turn into a black hole! If we press the earth so much that it becomes like a pea of ??a pea, then it will also become a black hole.

There are so many stars that come to our land more than lakh billion times more. It comes out of it that if we suppress all these stars so much, suppress it so that if it becomes equal to our land, then it will turn into a black hole.

| But you must be thinking that brother, it is not possible to do so because by pressing a star, you can do as much as you can to the earth - so far no machine has ever been made. First of all, we can not catch those wires because that is what many light years away from us. So this is absolutely right for you to catch any star and to give it the size of the earth, it is very difficult, perhaps impossible if we can do that, those wires will take the form of a black hole. So we are giving you this confusion.

In fact, both of you and me do not need to do something like this, because it is already happening in this universe! When a star dies, which we call 'SUPERNOVA' then that star gets inside its own or else it goes inside and inside it and its density increases and density increases, it's gravitational too Grows and its size decreases as it decreases, that it turns into a black hole and it can not escape the light any longer

The small point or point that takes the form of a black hole, we call it 'SINGULARITY'.

That boundary of the black hole cannot escape the light from anywhere, we call it 'EVENT HORIZON'. It means that before the limit can escape the light, but if he has reached this limit once, then no one can save him. Then he can not escape from that caste

The black hole can not cross the light, but it does not mean that you do not believe that there is no light in that black hole.

When the light cannot escape from the black hole, then it will come good to your eyes. This is the reason, because of which we look like this black and its size is like a hole, hence its name is the black hole. The black hole also affects time too big. For those things or things in front of them, the time for them becomes very slow, compared to those who are far away from them.

Do you want to know what will happen if you fall into a black hole? If we tell you in a simple language then you will die but in a very interesting condition. First of all, the part of your body that is closer to it, let's assume that your feet are climbing in the black hole, then your feet will tie like a rubber and it will burst,

Do not be scared! For that, you will have to make the first round of such a black hole and it is not possible now, because the nearest black hole is away from us, thousands of light wars away. "CYGNUS_X1 is a black hole that is 6000 light years away from Earth. And it is so far away that it will not affect our solar system on ours. So these were some things that answered all those questions about your black hole.

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