in #hoax8 years ago (edited)

Hi internet !

Just looked for the history of china in the french national archives and found absolutely nothing before the 16th century !!!

!!! Pour les francophones : J'ai rédigé cet article dans un anglais très simple et sera parfaitement traduit par Google Traduction ;-) Bonne lecture !!!

Here are the first historical traces of China in the french history :
(You can zoom on scans in sources)

1 - A Map of Servet, Michel (1511-1553) made in 1541

1541 Indes orientales et Chine Servet, Michel (1541).jpeg Source :

2 - Here, a map of China from 1584 made by Abraham Ortelius (Anvers)

carte Chine 1584 de Abraham Ortelius (Anvers).jpeg Source :

On this part of the map we can guess this is the great wall of China ...
carte Chine 1584 de Abraham Ortelius (Anvers) muraille de Chine.jpg

On this one, there are strange charriots ...
carte Chine 1584 de Abraham Ortelius (Anvers) charriots bizarres.jpg

Again those freemasons signs...
Signe franc maçon carte Chine 1584 de Abraham Ortelius (Anvers).JPG

3 - On this one it is more clear !
This book was written in 1592 and it's talking about the domination of the Frenchs on the chineses an japaneses lands.
Already from page 1 to 5, you can see the trouble about dates
Source :

Here are two samples frome the first pages of the book :
1592 Sommaire_des_lettres_du_Japon_ détail 1.jpg
1592 Sommaire_des_lettres_du_Japon_ détail 2.jpg

4 - From Germany now :-)
A map of the Indian Ocean and seas od China
It's from 1599 and made by Gijsbertsz, Evert

1599 Carte nautique de l'Océan Indien et des mers de Chine par Gijsbertsz, Evert.jpeg Source :

Again, again, and again those freemasons signs...
1599 Carte nautique de l'Océan Indien et des mers de Chine par Gijsbertsz, Evert fm4.jpg
1599 Carte nautique de l'Océan Indien et des mers de Chine par Gijsbertsz, Evert fm1.jpg
1599 Carte nautique de l'Océan Indien et des mers de Chine par Gijsbertsz, Evert fm2.jpg
1599 Carte nautique de l'Océan Indien et des mers de Chine par Gijsbertsz, Evert fm3.jpg

5 - Here it is more special
It seems that they talk about the domination of China's kingdom in 1589 and it's written by González de Mendoza, Juan 1545-1618)

1589 a.JPG
1589 b.jpg Source :

6 - In this book from 1667, we can see crazy animals invented like the " chinese hippopotamus" (pic 1 on page 192) or litterally a dragon (pic 2 on page 171)
Source :

1667 hippo chinoisIllustrations_de_China_monumentis_qua_Kircher_Athanasius_btv1b20000389.jpeg
1667 dragons chinoisIllustrations_de_China_monumentis_qua_Kircher_Athanasius_btv1b20000389.jpeg

LOL He looks like Mushu

7 - So, let's go to the 17th century to see what they say
On 1656, Somer, Jean Pruthenus made this map

1656 La Chine royaume par Sanson_Nicolas.jpeg
We can see with this interesting ancart in the lower left corner that says they still not know that much about the names of the cities of China's kingdom and they'll give more informations later
1656 Somer, Jean Pruthenus.jpg Source :

8 - In 1655 - 1656
Funny ... Now China is not a kingdom but under the commandement of an emperor ???

1656 Carte_du_voyage_des_ambassadeursDuval_Pierre.jpeg
1656 Carte_du_voyage_des_ambassadeursDuval_Pierre Zoom.jpg Source :

9 -This book seems very interesting and written in "françoy" (not old but very old french)
Looks like they a talking about the domination of Asia via military , commercial and religion actions (I'd like to have opinion on this)

1740 lettres edifiantes et curieuses Chine et Cochichine.JPG Source :

10 - Still those "wind-charriots"(1) and the China's great Wall(2) on this map from 1660

1606 charriots China Hondius, Jodocus I (1563-1612).JPG
1606 Grande muraille de Chine .jpg Source :

For fun : Definition of "Corea" in 1881 :
-FR "Vaste presqu'île de la côte orientale d'Asie, forme un royaume INDÉPENDANT, 8 millions d'habitants.Capitale : Séoul"
-EN "Vast peninsula on the eastern coast of Asia, forms an INDEPENDENT kingdom, 8 million inhabitants.Capital: Seoul"
Source :


Once again those freemasons signs...

We can read "Iaponia" (Japan)

Bonus image from 1780 showing Cochinchine (Vietnam)

1780 Vue_de_la_Cochinchine_btv1b69495207.jpeg Source :

The last bonus picture is ... let's say weirld
About a "japanese temple" ... The temple of Diaboth located in Japan
Illustration from 1680

japon 1.JPG Source :

Conclusion :
After years of researches, I always finished my researches on freemasons


So China doesn't exist? Written Chinese records date back to 1500 BC.

Good question !