Flawed Design Wood Muse...

in #hobbies7 months ago (edited)

The hippie cottage has just enough room for me to set up a small work area.

There is a covered porch area just in front of the kitchen.

If I stay here through the winter I'll put a heavy zip-able piece of plastic so the snow does not get in and it will double as insulation.

I'd likely also install a Chinese diesel heater to keep this ground level earth shack in the rain forest DRY and WARM...

This is just the initial set up and I got the chop saw out and did my thing with two pallets which are now my work station. Chop saw goes thru pallet wood nails like butter.

A part of this is attempting to strengthen myself once again post injuries.


The table saw is set up in another area and I milled some palette wood.
The cross-cut jig I made earlier in the year works like a charm:)


SUP is coming Friday so I'll see you on the lake!
