[001] 1:18 scale diecast model cars

in #hobby9 years ago (edited)

Greeting steemit community members!

I want to share photos of my 1:18 scale diecast model cars which i have taken as a hobby.
I feel like a rich man when looking at this fantastic cars.
Even though I can’t ride the cars in reality. HAHAHAHAHA~~~

Hope all visitors enjoy this photos ^^
Thank you for visiting


Boys never grow up... They just get older and their toys get more expensive ;-)

Good hobby, thank you for interesting pictures. And by the way, have you thoght about mixing these pictures with some macro photos? (I mean plants, insects and so on)

사진 잘찍으셧네요~ㅎㅎ
저기에 제 드림카도 있고요^^

An Audiphile.

These are nice man, but you need to get some really old vintage models.
The details and functions look great on these models, but there is a beauty to old simple ones created by craftsmen.
I'd love to know more about them. Add some woffle, I know I do.
Check out the beauties I've been listing.