Thriving on Crypto: Igniting the Fire Within for Financial Freedom

in #hodllast year

We have all been told stories about how Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies will cause the greatest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen. Let’s imagine for one moment that all of those predictions end up happening. The hard truth is just because you knew it was going to happen, doesn’t mean you’ll be able to benefit from it. People hesitate and prefer to watch while sitting on the sidelines, rather than taking risks and action. Making moves and doing things that other people aren’t doing can be scary, and that is what stops them from doing it.

This is what fuels my motivation each day. I’m in this industry not only because I’m very passionate about it. But, because I view it as the best opportunity to achieve financial freedom. I am borderline obsessive about this. It is the first thing that I think about when I wake up, and also the last thought before going to bed. But it doesn’t stop there. There is rarely a moment when I’m not thinking about how to achieve these goals of mine. Be it through cryptocurrency, blogging, budgeting, passive income, other side hustles, and the list goes on.

I’m a firm believer that if you truly want to change your life, you must actually change what you are doing. If you keep doing the same things each day hoping for different results, that is the definition of insanity. I recognized that my two greatest advantages were having an abundance of motivation and time. My day job was only 8 hours, and this meant that 16 hours remained in the day. Most of my peers would be watching TV or movies, playing games, or going out during these times. I had to make a change.

So now while my peers were doing those things above, I was writing blog posts, researching the crypto market, farming for airdrops, and exploring other ways to make money. Eliminating other distractions from my free time. While it might sound extreme, the truth is that these were some of my biggest interests. It didn’t feel like I was constantly working and making full use of my time.

My daily crypto routine usually goes something like this.

I wake up at about 7 in Japan and immediately go to the kitchen to make coffee. While drinking my coffee I check up on all of the latest crypto and macro news that took place while I was sleeping. This usually takes about an hour. Then while I’m preparing breakfast I will listen to a crypto-related podcast or something on YouTube.

After that, I begin writing. I write 1 to 2 articles every day. Most of them don’t even see the light of day. While one of the main purposes of writing each day is to post to my various blogs. The other main purpose is that it helps to formulate my thoughts, opinions, and current strategy for the market.

Then I make lunch and go for a long walk afterward. During this time I am once again listening to crypto-related podcasts. Always wanting to learn as much as I possibly can. After returning home, I devote around 20 minutes or more to crypto airdrops. Researching what is possibly coming next, what I need to do to qualify, and then taking action. This process allowed me to recently receive the Arbitrum airdrop. There are currently around 6 to 8 future airdrops that I’m trying to qualify for in the future.

After that, I devote the next handful of hours to spending quality time with family. As important as my goals with crypto and finance are. They are nothing without family.

Then around 10 pm I will usually watch crypto YouTube-related videos or listen to Twitter spaces. Before bed, I am brainstorming what my next venture will be. What my goals are, and how I can make them a reality. Finally, around 2 pm I go to bed and repeat the same process every day.

While some people may view my routine as obsessive or going overboard. The truth is that this routine is solely responsible for changing my life. Around 7 years ago, I was deeply in debt, had no money, and the idea of ever being able to retire was an impossibility. However, thanks to crypto I have been very fortunate and now my future looks much brighter. No matter how grim or impossible your future may look, you can change it. The only question is how much you want it. And are you actually willing to do the work that is required?

How about you? What is your crypto routine

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