My first holiday abroad was nearly my last.

in #holiday8 years ago

I was 18 when I had my first holiday abroad, Me, my older sister and 2 friends decided to have a fortnight away in Benidorm, We had heard so much about it, Benidorm was popular back then, 34 years ago.

I remember saving every penny to pay for it, to buy summer clothes and beer money. We booked Rio Park, it was the popular hotel now its overshadowed by loads of new hotels. My first trip on a plane, my first trip away from home I couldn't wait. The only thing I wish I had learned to swim, I have always been so scared of water, even back at school for swimming lessons, I was hopeless, the thought of water on my face even being splashed scared me. My thoughts were paddle in the sea and stay in the shallow end of the pool, or so I thought.

Me 18 Sunbathing in Benidorm

I was lying beside the pool getting tanned when 2 boys we had got to know sneaked over to me one grabbed my feet the other grabbed my hands then swung me flying into the deep end they would need a crane to lift me now I fought to get my head above the water, didn't matter how much I tried I couldn't manage it, I actually gave up as I couldn't save myself, Its really scary thinking OK that's it... It seemed like ages being under the water, I could hear people screaming but didn't know what they were saying then 2 hands grabbed me and pulled me to the side, My friend had jumped in too save me. I couldn't thank her enough, took me a while to get my senses sorted and clear my breathe.

I did catch up with the 2 lads, they both apologised saying they didn't know I couldn't swim, I felt guilty for not being able to swim.

I am 52 now and still can't swim, I used to take my girls to the pool twice a week, they swim like mermaids, they love the water, I'm was left in the waist height end doing a few kicks, Its one of my biggest regrets not trying harder.

Hi I am Karen, I am here to write about my life and read about yours.. If you like what you read please upvote and leave me a message so I can come visit youfollow me on Twitter

Still time to learn.
I had horrible experience as a child, almost drowned in the sea. I love to swim now, but I don't like my head in the water.

The thought of my head under water gives me the shivers. My knee won't let me swim its useless

Never mind, just stay away from open water!

I can't even stand it in a shower lol

Ah the thrill of youth, I wonder what those two tricksters are up to today ;)

I hope they learned there lesson and didn't do it again. :)

Not a pleasant memory, huh?

No it wasn't, made me hate water even more

Beautiful story lady @ karenb54 congratulations to you.
It's never late if you want to learn
Thank you very much for visiting and commenting my post

Very true but my knee wont allow me :(

Beer money, haha! That would have been top priority on my list as well ;)

Wasn't bothered about anything else lol

It's not to late, be brave and take some lessons. It's worth it. 😊

I can't anymore as I have a bad knee that doesn't work very well

I'm sorry about the knee but I enjoyed the story. Enjoy the day! 😊