in #holidaylast year

My son had his 8th birthday, guys!💚
It's very hard for me to realize he is so big now because I still see my little baby son in him;) I think it's common for all moms in the world;)

Some of his gifts were ordered by him - he is a fan of Lego and he wanted to have a new big set.

Another gift is a tablet. But not for games only but mostly for watching our educational videos for unschooling. I don't like sitting near the PC, and using a phone isn't cool too, it's too small, so a tablet is a nice variant.

One more gift from his parents were money. HIS FIRST money that he can spends any way he likes. I wrote a letter to him where I explained what this money means. The definite sum of money (for now it's about 40$) will be given to him every month on the definite date. He should know it's his money for all fun and toys he likes, but the next money will be given only in a month, not earlier.

I think it will teach him what money means, what their amount means, how he can save them or spend them, and actually what money is.

and the main gift was a great fun for the whole family - Lazertag!
We've never been there, but I had a feeling he would like it for sure, and mother's heart was right;)

It was so cool time!
60 min flew like one moment, we were tired but very happy!
It was his first game of such a kind, but it gave so much fun and adrenalin that I am sure we will come back there soon;)

In the evening we had a nice night walk in the city, discussing our new impressions.
My son was happy, and so do I🎆

I remember that I started my way in Hive (it was Steemit then) when my b0y was 2.
Now he is 8....
We are growing up together, my dear HiveFam😍💚✨


For a mother her child is not a man for whole life.She sees him as little as in the lap of the early days..

Have mercy both of you and be happy and create happy vibes in your life...

thank you so much!💚
when I wasn't Mom, I didn't understand it, now when I have a son by myself, I do understand all moms for whom their boys are always little boys;)