Alright, so today I'm going to ask you to do me a favor...not because I want you to be afraid but because I want you to practice researching and awareness of your own. I am asking that you research safety concerns regarding Wi-Fi and other technologies such as cell phones. There are so many things we get in the routine of using or doing that we assume are safe without giving it a thought. There's been a lot of info coming out with the roll out of 5g in some places and concerns that may shock people to know. For instance, some of the same technologies we use run on the same wavelengths that nonlethal weaponry developed by the military runs on. The same ones used for crowd control which can burn our skin. There have been studies showing negative effects on plant life from radiation from these technologies. Not to mention studies showing mental, behavioral and sleep disturbances related to these things. Check out the conscious resistance network and the info they've shared regarding this matter. They offer steps towards solutions with most things they discuss rather than just fear porn like most media outlets... Studies also say we chase after dopamine on social media sites waiting for someone to like our posts or the opposite...we stress over losing these fake friends and followers or argue with people with opposing views. Is this really something you need in your life? I'm not saying these studies are even accurate but think about it, even if they aren't do you really want to be a slave to such a thing? Is that stress worth it? Plus there's the possibility of privacy issues involving certain sites sharing your personal info. Is any of it really worth it? Why not unplug and go live life in real time?! Changes start with the individual. Before participating in things or spending money on needless technology, ask yourself questions about what's really important in life. Just contemplate what your hard earned resources may be supporting. Have you checked out the documentaries on the horrid working conditions of apple brand production? Even if you turn your head and decide to ignore this, I hope that reading this post may at least plant a seed in your subconscious to look into products you buy and use next time you purchase something. We vote with our dollars. We lead by example. We can be the change. We can research and decide what practices and companies we want to support. We can at least choose to be more conscious of what we allow in our lives. So I ask you to research and then also spend a little less time on things like social media today. You deserve a break from the stress of it all;) Namaste, Amy💪
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