53.25 mins into 'BlacKkklansman' the Jewish actor playing a Jewish cop asks 'Haven't you seen the footage?'...as if there was any 'footage' of any 'genocide'...typical 'sleight of mouth'...implying there is 'footage'...when the ACTUAL photos show chubby, healthy, well fed Jews being released from the work camps, OR the victims of Typhus, usually Russian prisoners of war...the photos of an earth mover pushing dead, emaciated bodies, is that of a BRITISH soldier burying victims of Typhus...NOT a German...'where's the proof?'... 'Are you high?'... of course the klansman states '8 million' and 'no concentration camps'...to suggest total ignorance...'Haven't you seen the footage'? 'That's fake'...very clever interpolation of sleight of hand. The Klansman's comment is to suggest there IS footage which the klansman is deliberately ignoring as 'fake'...when there is NO footage AT ALL...and THIS, 70 years after the war...NEW propaganda...NEW lies...I'd never heard ANYONE EVER refer to 'footage'...now 70 years later, Hollywood trying to produce NEW propaganda, after all the OLD propaganda has been debunked and exposed as fakes and misrepresentations. And of course 'Grand Wizard and National Director of the KKK' at time of the film is David Duke...they just had to pick THAT year for the film...just a coincidence, that decades AFTER David Duke has LEFT the KKK, we have a film that has HIM as the 'Grand Wizard'...coincidence theorist much? ALSO had to have white cop that kills black men, of course. What is odd is the 'Jewish' cop is openly corrupt...'we're a family, right or wrong'...which IS typical Cult of Judah mentality...In real life I'd say the 'Jewish' cop, if informed, would have ZERO concern for the KKK, knowing it to be controlled opposition, whether the klansman know it or not...But I'm wondering whether David Duke could legally sue the Producers of the film, for portraying him as they did...I guess just like the 'Holocaust PROOF', the Directors / Producer's will get away with it...
Within a week of the capture of Buchenwald, the famous Hollywood director Billy Wilder was in the camp making a film of propaganda lies that still circulate to this day. An inadvertent shot of Wilder on the set at Buchenwald is shown here. The film, complete with props, claimed that the Nazis made soap from the fat of (Jewish only of course) prisoners, made lampshades from the skin of prisoners, and shrunk the heads of prisoners like in the Amazon. Even the Holohoax establishment now admits these were all lies. the black hat flat cap and coat are colored that of the , a movie director to wear them . https://holocaustdeprogrammingcourse.com/
THANKYOU...THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD WORK... people correcting each other, helping each other expose the Cult of Judah's propaganda ... I had assumed the 'footage' was the old 'Brausebad' footage of a steam room...which some ignorant people thought was footage of some supposed 'gas chamber' (people who don't read German can't be expected to know the difference)... MY POINT TO ANY GERMAN JUDGE WOULD BE 'IS IT A CRIME TO STATE GERMANS DID NOT MAKE LAMPSHADES FROM HUMAN SKIN, OR SOAP FROM HUMAN FAT'? I believe that under the strict letter of the law, it WOULD be...as would be the 'official' downward revisions of the 'official' Jewish historians and Polish historians, and Auschwitz historians, of the death tolls of that work camp...as would be the DENIAL of these 'legal facts' by official Holocaust Museum historians...why won't ANYONE help me take advantage of these LEGAL means to defeating 'Holocaust Denial laws' etc ??? Anyway, thanks Smoloko, you're a real 'Mensch' :D