First Lady Michelle Obama made a video appearance at the 2012 Academy Awards to present the award for Best Picture. Surrounded by soldiers in uniform, she proudly announced the winner was Argo, a film about the U.S. hostage crisis in Iran. What she didn’t disclose was that the CIA had influenced the storyline and, as the Atlantic commented years later, “took many liberties with the truth, all of them geared to make Langley and Hollywood appear more heroic.”
As a result of instances like these, a prevailing narrative in independent media is that the U.S. government has thoroughly infiltrated Hollywood and that the entertainment industry is a swamp of toxic waste teeming with the most vile scum and villains west of Washington D.C.
That’s mostly true.
But there’s a lot more to the story – and it shows the actual power dynamic and dissemination of manipulative content isn’t as conspiratorial and severe as it seems.
Even so, there are many reasons why the popular anti-Hollywood propaganda narrative is so powerful (many of you are likely already well versed in this, but I’m providing a rundown simply to highlight the extent of collusion — if it’s old news to you, feel free to scroll to the numbered section further down).
For decades, various (and nefarious) agencies within the federal government have used Hollywood to spread their narratives. In the 1950s, the CIA was enlisting the industry to put George Orwell’s Animal Farm to the big screen. In the 1990s, the agency was suffering from a damaged reputation — in part due to media portrayals — with many Americans accurately viewing the CIA as a cabal of shady spies. At that time, they formally established a department solely for influencing media content.
From the Tom Clancy series including Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger, and The Sum of All Fears to Homeland, 24, Alias, and an entire show about the CIA, The Agency, the CIA offered input, reviewed scripts, and invited producers to the agency to see behind the curtain. By 2011, Hollywood producers were wining and dining agents to ensure special access for Zero Dark Thirty, a film about the CIA’s role in the official story about the assassination of Osama bin Laden.
Such relationships are widespread. A FOIA request filed by a pair of journalists claims the CIA, along with other defense and intelligence agencies, has had a hand in over 1,800 films and tv shows, and agencies like the FBI and DHS also have their hand in media productions.
The military has an office building set up West Los Angeles where representatives from various branches of the armed forces review scripts and meet with members of the industry. This was detailed in the documentary Hollywood & the Pentagon: A Dangerous Liaison.
Often, in exchange for military equipment and special access, Hollywood filmmakers allow government officials to weigh in on their film script.
Top Gun was one of these films and spurred a rise in military enlistments in the 1980s. The history of the fusion of military and film goes back much further; during World War II, Walt Disney was producing pro-intervention propaganda.
The Pentagon has even involved itself in non-militaristic content, from American Idol — where an a military employee was a contestant — to Cupcake Wars.
Collusion like this is well-documented, as are the more traditional political ties between Hollywood’s ruling class and America’s political elite.
Executives and A-list producers celebrated and funded Bill Clinton in the 1990s and went on to lavish unbridled adoration and cash on Barack Obama. Celebrities, too, came out for cool guy Barack in droves, and Hollywood power players went on to throw their support behind Hillary in 2016.

In addition to generally espousing liberal ideology, one of the industry’s political priorities is establishing control of the internet to stop piracy. The major film studios’ lobby, the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA), was one of the staunchest backers of attempts to stifle internet freedom in 2011, at which point the internet came together to stop SOPA and PIPA (Hollywood MPAA members who had been Obama supporters expressed feelings of betrayal that the president had bowed to public opinion and offered concessions on the bills.

Six of the most powerful studios — 20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures, Universal Studios, Walt Disney Studios, and Warner Bros — make up the MPAA. This acronym might sound familiar because it’s on display before almost all film trailers. The association is responsible for rating films (sometimes giving “X” ratings those it doesn’t like, effectively banning them from theaters — the documentary This Film is Not Yet Rated does an excellent job exploring this secretive and powerful agency).
The MPAA’s most foundational role is to maintain ties with Washington D.C. Its first chair was Jack Valenti, a “confidant” of Lyndon Johnson. Chris Dodd, a former democratic senator, also recently chaired the organization, lobbying Congress on behalf the industry’s behalf. He was succeeded last year by Charles Rivkin, who previously worked as a fundraiser for the Obama campaign and then served as Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs.
It’s abundantly clear that Hollywood and D.C. are deeply intertwined, both in traditional politics and in subtly manipulating the masses through narratives and imagery. This reality is undoubtedly disheartening and tends to incite feelings of frustration, and powerlessness. But there are caveats, and they show the dynamic isn’t as malicious as it seems:
As much as I’m sure there are certain figures in Hollywood who believe it’s their right to manipulate public opinion (whether that’s in favor of government in general or war), the truth is that many filmmakers simply want to make the best films possible. If they can get free equipment and behind-the-scenes access to enhance the quality and believability of their productions, which they often spend years bringing to fruition, why wouldn’t they? Hollywood is severely lacking principled anarchists (let alone principled anti-war liberals), so there’s no reason to believe they would have issues with violating foundational values when they make deals with the government devil.
As much as it’s perceived that Hollywood is out to intentionally brainwash people (and, again, as much as this may be true for some powerful figures), much of the industry genuinely believes in the ideologies they propagate. It’s not a conspiracy in which they believe they’re tricking the public. I spent the better half of 2011 as a script reader for a respected film studio (not one of the big six ;) ), and one thing I learned is that, just as in other industries and around the country, statism runs rampant. Many of the scripts I read had police officers, FBI agents, and CIA agents as protagonists, and most of those scripts were written by everyday people in Hollywood who were simply hoping to strike it big and have their stories make it onto the big screen. Similarly, executives are also statists. Whether they truly believed in Bill Clinton and Barack Obama (my personal assessment is that most did) or they simply believed in the power they could wield by supporting them, they’re statists all the same. This isn’t just a plot to brainwash the little people, it’s a sincere belief in politics and government. Look at Judd Apatow’s mainstream-tinged outbursts over Trump or the progressive propaganda screenwriter Shonda Rhimes throws into shows like Scandal. These people really believe in their dogma.
Despite corporatist lobbying efforts, Hollywood is still founded on capitalism. The industry generates huge profits in the state of California and has consistently for a century. Studios and production companies are filled with business people who protect the bottom line. One morning in 2011, I spent my morning looking up the box office revenue figures for a dozen different dance movies. The executive producers where I was interning needed to know if it was worth it to buy a script for a Dirty Dancing remake. If there wasn’t demand for it, they weren’t going to make it. This is important, because it provides vital insight into why Hollywood churns out so many pro-military, pro-war, pro-government hero films and series. It’s absolutely true that government agencies inject their narratives into the stories, but the truth is that if Americans weren’t willing to spend their money indulging in these stories — creating profit in the form of box office gains, merchandise, and ad revenue — far fewer of them would be produced.
On that note, some of you may have noticed an uptick in content that has anti-government themes. I’m a big binger, so I certainly have. There has always been a steady stream of skeptical storylines (after all, content about sneaky spies helped soil the CIA’s reputation in the first place). The producers of Apocalypse Now ultimately lost government assistance because it was too anti-war. More recently, for example, V for Vendetta put forth a strong anti-government sentiment (and was produced by Warner Brothers, a studio whose business side lobbies the government). These sentiments have flourished in the age of premium television channels and streaming services. I could have a five-hour discussion with you about how Game of Thrones (HBO) is a perpetual indictment of political authority (George R.R. Martin wrote the books with fervent anti-war themes). Orange is the New Black (Netflix) tackles mass incarceration and the prison-industrial complex. House of Cards (Netflix, R.I.P) painted a dark picture of Washington D.C. and political power. The monumental problems in Stranger Things (Netflix) are caused by the federal government (though one of the heroes is admittedly a small-town cop). Black Mirror (Netflix) has episodes that highlight the dark side of government authority and leadership. The Hunger Games (Lionsgate Films) was wildly subversive and inspired real-life protests when some theaters in Thailand banned it. That series broke box office records. Hollywood sees the demand for dissent, and it responds (even if the people writing these scripts and producing the films are still statists themselves).
The studio monopoly and historic structure of the industry is crumbling. The studio cartel, which has been in power for a hundred years, is struggling to stay afloat. The industry is contracting, not expanding, and this is in part because in many cases (subversive material aside), those who run it can’t think of anything better to produce than remakes and sequels ad nauseum. People are sick of this and are also craving different forms of media consumption. In turn, the industry is becoming decentralized, smaller production companies are gaining opportunities to have their stories put to the screen, and independent films are gaining traction. There’s even a blockchain company seeking to disrupt Hollywood.
It is true that whether or not Hollywood’s goal is to intentionally brainwash (or whether they’re brainwashed themselves), the effect of pro-government, pro-war films and television is, at least to some extent,a manipulation of the minds of the masses. French sociologist Gustav LeBon, who wrote The Crowd, which inspired America’s first master propagandist, Edward Bernays, wrote that if an image or idea is repeated enough, the crowd will eventually begin to believe it. This is certainly happening, and films like American Sniper show how easy it is to rile up the masses.
Still, much of this content is simply a reflection of society’s pervasive statism. But the paradigm is shifting, and we have the personal power to influence it by refusing to be sucked into pro-government and militaristic content, instead choosing to consume dissident, freedom-oriented content.
*The last thing I want to add is that not everyone in Hollywood is a low-life creep out for profit and perverted coercion. I know multiple people in “the industry,” and they are simply passionate about filmmaking and/or the music they produce for films. Some are even skeptical of statism — and I’ll keep working on them. ;)
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I cannot say if what you are writing is true - but it is in any case an interesting perspective. Articles like this are one of the reasons why I like steemit - there is no way articles like this are censored.
In Germany, we now have a new law, which requires social media companies to delete posts if they are against the law. Nothing wrong you might think, but the problem is who is judging on what is against the law? Newest articles show that they are using very cheap labour and mostly not very well educated people now decide on what to to delete and what not. As the fines are very high the policy is clear - if there is any doubt, just delete it. This can never happen to steemit!
nice one ;-)
Great take. As someone who has been in the industry for over a decade and attended every film festival around the World - most times the content we were acquiring and selling around the World was to make a buck. We (especially during the DVD age) were slapping lipstick on a pig. And one of the MAIN reasons I left was this ridiculous dogma that persists.
One show you missed (and I only watch it because I am a huge comic book nerd and have 2K+ comic books in my Dad's basement) is the Punisher (on Netflix) which exemplified the nefarious ways of the CIA. A "win at all costs" scenario for our country.
I think overall that people who come here have their hearts in the right place. I know as a young man from Chicago with my business partner starting Olive Branch Productions - we certainly did. But the entrenched institutions and after-all it being show BUSINESS meant that important stories weren't marketed nor even mentioned to the general public.
Positively though, I believe we are back to an age where content is King. And hopefully the content most people want to consume is for the betterment of society.
for 3 years now i just cant go to the cinemas anymore.
What do you thinK? could we, internet kids, establish something called "Cryptowood"? A blockchain funded movie Studio? We hire over the internet paying in crypto. Doing it world wide. Maybe Etherum blockchain could make Quality checks etc.
I would love to see a new version of 1984, brave new world or Fahrenheit 451!!!
I'd love to see that happen! Considering the versatility of cryptocurrency (and the fact that even companies like Kodak are going for it), I wouldn't be surprised if demand for this rose in the coming years. Great idea!
A movie about Japanese Internment Camps in ww2 would be interesting. From a perspective of an American Japanese of course.
I think this exists:
Isn't it bad ass how fast blockchain technology is snowballing? A lot of the ideas I came up with for blockchain technology already exist as well. 2018 is going to be awesome.
Haha nice, "Cryptowood".
well, most remakes are garbage so... better start with new content ^^
"Hollywood", in the ancient days like the days of Merlin, it was innerstood that a Magic Wand was made of wood. The wood came from the "Holly" tree. Thus "Hollywood", a band of witches and warlocks performing their black magic upon the masses. I have become aware that it is the language we speak that navigates us to the fact of what really is. I am glad I found this article of yours. Most of all you. Another Awakened. Thank you and keep it going. Upvoted and followed friend.
Glad you liked it! Hollywood has been of particular interest to me for a long time because I was born and raised here and because mass media has such a monumental effect on public opinion.
while I agree w/ most of what you say,I do believe that "they" are trying to create a civil war to use the UN troops ,and declare marshal law. They have long term multifaceted plans.
How many apples can one bad one spoil? ... easier to destroy than build.
we have an organized agenda from ruling class,and no organization ,and diverse division among the common people.
So who wins? those who work and plan together...
We have to learn the language of the sea, Maritime Law. It is what the courts use. It is the language of Corporations. Maritime Law, International Law and The Use of our Language are our Navigation tools to claim our Name's. This is all a game of Language's. I am in the process of learning it now. It all is beginning to make sense now.
And yes, those who plan and work together...
The US marches towards marshal law because the economic reliance on the defense industry. If the defense industry went into a contraction, so would 1/2 of the US economy. It can easily be argued that the US needs to maintain military supremacy to thwart evil, but it becomes a tough argument when the evil being faught are victims of ideologies that we perpetuate in our own society.
Perhaps (we are) the world is just waking up to how fast we communicate (real-time) our problems and ambitions along with our misconceptions; and therein lies the rub.
As well as 50% non voters! 35% divided between twoparty same bird ,15% trying to change it...majority rule...
Those who print $ for nothing are making rule we live by. make us wage slaves, chained to gas chains ,food chains and power grid chains,job chains...
We are decent people who follow rules and they follow their own rules.Have plans and agenda,while we are to tired, distracted to organize...
All the weapons are useless if no-one would wield them for "them".
Namaste! I do believe divide and conquer is a longstanding tactic of the ruling class. I think I just believe that when it comes to Hollywood, a lot of the executives, celebrities, screenwriters (etc) are victims of that mentality, as well. I think the news media is more adept than Hollywood at intentionally intentionally sowing division.
Television is pretty much a dictator's wet dream. It is the most fantastic mass brainwashing tool that has ever existed. On top of that, we've even been duped into paying for our own brainwashing with our hard earned wages. If you control the primary sources of what the people see and hear ( TV, movies, netflix, radio, newspapers ), you control their thoughts.
Gotta love steemit, I don't see these posts anywhere else! Good job @careywedler
yes, 100 times this. Hollywood and their clique have become a seething hotbed of decadence and sleaze. Apologists for rape and pedophilia, sycophants and self-serving, virtue signalling psychopaths. And all the while they attempt to browbeat us with their faux phony "liberalism".
Interesiting, that meke you think!
Yay! :) Thanks!
amazing information man...Keep it up...w
Thank you, glad you liked it! It's been on my mind for quite a while!
Excellent read. Thanks Carey!
im from former Yugoslavia, and here we had so called
Partizan movies
about communist ww2 heroes.they were all like / partizan hero, dying for comrade Tito with smile on their faces, killing thousands of germans single handed..
like terribly low/funny level of statist propaganda. commies style.
Hollywood is quite same ^
only difference, we had our propaganda 30,40, 50 yrs ago.
they have it now. and its 2018.
i reccomend korean, german and even russian newer movies for fun.
hollywood aint even funny anymore, seems they have to push too hard to meet demands.
Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.
Very interesting!
I like how in-depth and level minded your ideas are.
Its pretty refreshing honestly,
thank you!
I agree. This article was well written and covered both sides of the story. It is too easy to get distracted by he flashy lights of Tinseltown and The US government, when there are honest reasons these dynamics form.
the honesty is key, you gotta be honest with yourself to see the truth in these situations
Thank you guys! Yay, so glad you liked it! You're becoming a familiar face to me. I like it! :)
good article - thx
stoped watching "the movies" few years ago.
could always sens somthings fishy - now that we know
keep it up!
Good for you! Vote with your currency... the industry is getting the message. :)
Well-writ and fairly balanced. (great crowd you attracted in to!)
Excellent article. Thanks for summarizing what us in the Truth movement have always suspected. Another ant-war movie that lost funding because it portrayed the military in a negative light was Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket.
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! I've found the most dissident films out of Hollywood came out in the Bush era (Clooney was on a big subversive kick back then). (Un)surprisingly, they dwindled when Obama took office. I really respect people like John Cusack who kept speaking up even when a Democrat was in office.
I have one burning question for all of you. Was Randy Quaid's character in "Independence Day" an Extremist Suicide Bomber?
@rondras @careywedler @felix.herrmann @edicted @chey @moodybit @jesse2you @skycae
Keep speaking truth
Very interesting post. It also should be pointed out that Hollywood and Netflix combined to produce and perpetuate false narrative propaganda related to the Ukraine and Syrian wars. The first propaganda piece that Netflix put out "Ukraine: Winter on Fire" neglected to tell the truth about the Right Sector fascist battalions that led the coup in Kiev, and their violent, corrupt billionaire oligarch financiers who were connected to Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Joe Biden. Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky even hired Joe Biden's son Hunter at the time of the coup to oversea finances on his offshore company Burisma Holdings. Since that time, over $1.8 billion of IMF money has gone missing in Ukraine after being distributed to Kolomoisky's Privat Bank.
The documentary also failed to mention that the US State Department, led by Victoria Nuland, Geoffrey Pyatt and John McCain, was caught outright in intercepted phone calls dictating and orchestrating who would be assigned key leadership positions, along with delegating the Europeans role in dealing with Ukraine. Hence Nuland's now infamous "Fuck the EU" quote. The real truth about the Ukraine war is linked here in this 5 hour archive of real first person footage from the war, put together by the Watchdog Media group in Australia. It is not some flashy put together propaganda piece, instead it is filmed by real people under terrible conditions dealing with the war on their doorstep. Its shows clearly that Ukraine's National Guard battalions led by the Right Sectors Azov and Aidar battalions have conducted ethnic cleansing on the civilian population in East Ukraine while the US and western media covered it all up and pointed a crooked finger to blame Russia.
Regarding the Syrian war, the US and UK promoted a flashy false propaganda narrative around a fake humanitarian group financed by the UK, US and Saudi governments and called The White Helmets which is, in actuality, a collapsing psyop made up of members of the FSA and al-Nusra Front which are, in actuality, terrorists. I have personally collected and archived over 300 images and 2 dozen videos at my site Clarity of Signal that clearly shows the White Helmets operate alongside al-Nusra Front (al-Qaeda in Syria). These images come from their own Facebook accounts which I link to in my researched posts.
Netflix released a slickly produced UK documentary called "The White Helmets" in September 2016. Hollywood gave the documentary an Oscar Academy Award in early 2017 and George Clooney stated that he would make a major motion picture about them. These 'White Helmets' are Sunni Wahabi salafists aligned with al-Qaeda, yet in the new American century up is down and down is up in a truly Orwellian propaganda landscape . Hollywood has jumped fully in bed with the terrorists, and the US government, which is supposed to serve we the people, is outright lying to the citizenry about what it is really doing and supporting in Syria, and the CIA infiltrated corrupt media perpetuates these incredible and pathetic lies.
This video shows clearly who the White Helmets truly are. Its is highly graphic, but if you want to know what Hollywood and your countries media and leaders have been really up to, its the ultimate red pill. It will blow your mind and wake you up to the truth about the White Helmets terrorists that Hollywood, the US media and government promoted.
Tapestry of Terror (Highly Graphic) - White Helmets Exposed As FSA Terrorists Linked With ISIS
You didn't mention 'Weird Scenes from Laurel Canyon', Dave McGowan, in which he details how the hippies were actually created in order to discredit the antiwar movement.
Damning with faint praise is only one reason to craft what appears to be counterpropaganda on the surface. Disinfo is every bit as useful as misinfo, and even enabling your enemies to form groups and alliances is a great idea - if you control the heads of the organizations and message.
Dave McGowan was an interesting character, known for impeccable research.
You'd like him.
Great post. Just wanted to add that the last time I went to the corporate movie theater to see a film they showed a recruiting commercial for all 4 of the main branches of the US military during the pre-film presentation/commercial reel. It's not just the content of the films anymore, but the entire movie going experience that is influenced by the Military Industrial/Culture complex.