I remember when the first one was all the rage. Interestingly, my girls weren't that fixated on it, but they were probably older than yours currently are. (By the way, the blonde one is Elsa, Anna is the brown haired, none magical one. Sorry, I have a bug up my rear about details...😅)
Recently a friend sent me a link to a film called Out of the Shadows.
It discusses the movie industry. I haven't watched it all, but it reminded me of something my husband was watching a while ago about how the powers that be use movies to let us know what they're planning to do. Something to do with it being part of their rules that they have to let everyone know what they're planning and if no-one protests it's taken as consent.
Ah yes, I'm mixing up the names! Shows how well I was concentrating ;)
I mentioned Out of Shadows in my closing paragraph. In fact, I tacked it on as an afterthought because it does seem to confirm the plausibility of what I am saying.
And yes, having our consent is essential for them. And letting us know in broad daylight exactly what they intend to do. Totally agree with that. But then of course, they confuse and distract us with tons of contradictory information. Symbology & numerology is also part of their magic. Check out the number 33 here, if you've not already seen it:
Looks like I was distracted too! I missed your mention in the last paragraph. Mind you, it was gone midnight, so I'm going to stick to that excuse! 😉