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RE: Hollywood created the pandemic by using Frozen 2 & Law of Attraction principles

in #hollywood5 years ago

Hello @porters :)

Interesting connection there. Like you I was concerned to see how much Luna (age 3) idolised Anna and like you I wanted for her to know her own power rather than see it as something only ice princesses have! So now every time she blasts us with her invisible magic, Sabina & I get propelled to the other side of the room, and can't get near her till she stops using the 'magic'. It has been interesting to see how it has helped her develop more kindness. I can be a bit dramatic when she blasts me and I suppose it looks painful to her, so she will always stop blasting me and offer instead a kiss to correct the balance.

Most people don't consider for one moment the relevance of such things and would think we were nuts if they saw us getting blasted by invisible magic! I love your idea of having the power to create smiles. That sounds like a great game to play with them on a daily basis :)

I swapped the documentary link "Out of Shadows" with one which works. YouTube deleted that one fast!