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RE: Hollywood created the pandemic by using Frozen 2 & Law of Attraction principles

in #hollywood5 years ago

I hold back on saying there is anything intentional programming going on although I do suspect there is, I also suspect it isn't as nefarious as people think, though I can see that it must be going on to some extent because the obvious symbolism in a lot of shows. I think a lot of it is individual practitioners who are following a trend in Hollywood rather than coordinated secret society stuff, but what do I know.
I do feel there is probably also a lot of accidental programming that probably goes on too.

In any case, I feel the ridiculous amount of zombie films and shows had something to do with this.

I wouldn't worry about it too much. She's singing "Let it go", so it'll help people chill out despite craziness ;-)


Now that I am thinking about it "Let it go" is all part of this! Don't worry about all these new rules folks, just let it go ;) This is clearly the opposite feeling to a song with the title "Fight for your freedom" though something tells me Disney don't make songs with these kind of titles! I truly believe these kind of things are considered carefully. Especially when the film is designed to capture the minds of billions of children just prior to the NWO takeover.

It would be a mistake to underestimate how well planned this particular game is.

But I sure ain't worrying about it ;)

Just observing.

Yeah, I don't disregard the possibility, i just find a lot of the videos and content that "exposes" stuff is fanatic and often religious in nature. The video you left is one of the better ones I've seen.

The thing is, if they control Disney than they probably control the conspiracy theories too. I usually find the truth is usually right in the middle between the "out there" theories and the mainstream narrative, and that might even be by design. Infiltrate the truth tellers and insert and propagate more outragousness to make them look crazy. I really think that's how it works because it seems like the most effective way to control.

In the end it's all up to us and what we put our energy into though :-D Let it go ;-) hahahah

You are absolutely right. They do control 99% of the conspiracy theories. Which is why many disregard the 1% truth. I think the term was created by the CIA shortly after JFK death, to deal with the problem of too many people asking questions. And since then they have perfected the art of confusing & distracting us.

Anyway, as you say, we get to choose where we put our energy. Thank goodness :)