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RE: The holocaust 100% conclusively debunked - Documentary by Activist-News

in #holocaust8 years ago

The Holocaust has become a religion, complete with dogma that supersedes both facts and logic. Something happened then, but to really find out what one must wade through a sea of misinformation that has been culminating for generations, which is a damn near impossible task.


Yeah the 6 million figure has been so thoroughly disproved. I mean how did they keep the total number at 6 million when the Auschwitz official number changed from 4 million to 1.5 million? Surely if you're looking at the official figures alone, the total number should be down to around 3.5 million? The holocaust is now an industry, which has grown out of a piece of outragiously inaccurate wartime propagada which never died. Thanks for sharing this video to counter the decades of lies which we have been fed about the subject. This is a very important subject which the powers that be don't want people properly informed about.

It's true that there has been a lot of stigma and dogman left over since the second world war. At some point we will have to discuss these things more as societies or some ugly ideas will soon rear their heads again.

The Jews are obsessed with the 6 million figure. They use the alleged Holocaust as an excuse for Israel to exist.

While jews and many other groups (especially whites considering themselves christians) tend to use the holocaust as an "excuse" (when they lack actual arguments) for Israel to exist, that doesn't apply to all jews nor does it mean that there is no point to it.

Further, the "alleged" Holocaust can be thought of in many different ways. Even if much of what has been said previously would be proven untrue/could not be proven true, this doesn't change the fact that jews were one of the groups viciously dehumanized and killed off.

I agree. While the task may be impossible,m ive given it an honest go. Ive concluded (to myself at least) that the Holocaust is nothing more than a Jewish conspiracy theory, which has never been proven.