My response to the claims of the U.S Holocaust museum that the holocaust is so well documented

in #holocaust7 years ago

The Holocaust is one of the best documented events in history ?????????????? That is the first line of the U.S Holocaust museum webpage. So I left the following comments:
The most baldfaced lie I have come across on the web!
You claim it is the most 'documented' of all historical events? Why is it that you can NEVER get a 'holocaust hoax denier' like yourselves to engage in an open, free debate, concerning the known FACTS of the experience of jews in Europe during WWII?
Do you realise the jews are being used as pawns and that the Zionist leadership, the ones who REALLY pull the strings, are planning on sacrificing the 6 million 'Jews' living in Palestine as a 'holocaust', a burnt offering, in order to bring about their 'new world order' ?
And that YOU are aiding and abetting them?
If you claim to have so much PROOF, why do you need laws that criminalise anyone who brings evidence that challenges your supposed PROOF?
Holocaust denial laws are the proof that you have NO proof
You are brainwashing 'Jews' to hate and fear all non-Jews, especially Germans
We seek peace, freedom, justice, and truth ... because unless you have ALL of these things, you can never enjoy ANY of them, for long
I challenge you to an open, free debate at which you can supply all the PROOF and DOCUMENTATION you claim to have
But of course you are frauds. You NEVER refute arguments. You simply DISMISS arguments, and demonise, slander, and libel the arguers, and where you can, criminalise and imprison them
You are doing as much harm to the 'Jews' as Hitler ever did, with YOUR lies. Of course the idea of a 'chosen people' was not German, but Jewish.
Exceptionalism, racial-supremacism, genocide, and theft, appear to define Semitism, as far as my research has indicated.
Your behavior in promoting 'The Holocaust' is no exception
If being against exceptionalism, racial-supremacism, genocide, theft, and mendacity, makes me anti-Semitic, then what choice does any rational, reasonable, informed person have but adopt this position.
Remember that anti-semitism is not about hating any person. I do not hate 'Jews'. I hate this vicious, malicious, unacceptable, repugnant set of ideas, which Semitism appears to represent.
If I am wrong, EXPLAIN why. REFUTE the implicit arguments, and explicit arguments.
But that is NOT your way is it.
Your way is nothing but asserting propaganda. Proving you are at war with truth, justice, and freedom.
You are waging war on truth, justice, and freedom.
Stop defaming the dead, German AND Jewish.
If you have PROOF, we are listening, and our minds are open.
If you do NOT, then realise that this supposedly 'noble' lie is no more noble than the racial villification of the Nazi regime, or the Spanish Inquisition of the Vatican.
Lies are never NOBLE, when used for propaganda.
The TRUTH is noble
Yes I realise how much power you have, and you are going to prove that THAT statement / assumption is anti-semitic, by actually ABUSING that power, as usual.