Hi @holybread
I've tried to login to holybread.io and I simply failed. I entered username and clicked "login with keychain" and absolutely nothing happened.
Also wouldn't you consider using steemconnect? It seem to be very well known and trusted.
(Currently the login function is deactivated)
Oh ... now I see why I couldn't test it lol
Are those developers behind this game? Perhaps you should consider building subscribtion list. It's going to be very hard to find your updates on steemit.
Currently we are in the testing phase. Only a few invited users are able to login so we can test for bugs and server stability.
In January 2020 the game will be open for everyone.
We think about Steemconnect and will probably add it.
Keychain seems to be easier to use though and is also trusted.
Yep, these are the developers behind the game.
Thanks for your input and interest, @crypto.piotr!
Hi @holybread
Thank you for your prompt reply.
I would like to help.
I'm building community of users passionate with topics related to technology, AI, blockchain, machine learning etc. You could have a look at our website: www.projecthope.pl
On steemit we've managed to receive 250k SP in form of delegations (@project.hope) and my goal is to support others, also passionate with similar topic. And supporting projects build on top of steem blockchain would be something I would love to do.
Ultimately together with few other guys from our group, we're planning to set up beta-testing and digital marketing agency for tech industry. So working with you guys could benefit both parties (you can get solid support and I would get some extra valuable experience).
Anyway that's just an idea.
That would be great if you would consider adding it.
I fully agree. There are users (and I know few already) who got used to steemconnect and this is what they would choose. Anyway that's just my own little feedback.
Yours, Piotr
Hi @crypto.piotr dm me on Discord (also auminda#6100).
hi @auminda
You should receive already my request (crypto.piotr#3426)