Since spring made an early arrival this year, my efforts have been dedicated toward working on our house.
I made a wise decision and chose to blow insulation into the walls of the original 1906 portion of our home. Once that was complete, I replaced bad wood around the windows and sealed them tight with expanding foam, window wrap, and silicone sealant.
Then I covered the exterior in 1/4" fanfold foam board and taped the seams to create an additional weather barrier.

After the foam board was done, I was able to put up my new vinyl siding.
While I was putting on siding, a crew was getting my garage floor ready to pour concrete.

I came home from work one Friday to see that my new concrete was poured and floated out, ready to cure.

The work on my house is taking me a long time.
I work 50 hours each week at my job, and can only work on my house in little slivers of time, which gets really frustrating. But I am moving forward regardless, and I will post an update later. Thanks for viewing my post!

Wow, you are very talented. I gutted and renovated an entire house including building all of the cabinets etc.. many years ago. Now I'm tired! :)
This is my big asking whether someone can put LIAIKE my cats, blogs and even better would be a donation would advance saaks. Thanks famous cats who made donations. BIG THANKS IN ADVANCE @urmokas
Thank you! I'm 34 and I'm already tired! But I will finish this house, live in it for several years and enjoy it, then hire someone to build our retirement home in the country.
Hey, you're doing great! It already looks super to me!
I appreciate that!
wow nice work.. i would live in that house it looks great
Thank you! I will sell it to you in about 10 years! :)
Its looking amazing, your doing a brilliant job plus it will be worth it when it's finished :)
Thank you, I appreciate that!
Your welcome. You can see how much work you have put in plus seeing the different stages showing how much worj you have done. Is going to look great :)
It looks an amazing place to live, well done and congrats for your remodeling progress! ^_^
Thank you very much!
Thats awesome ! Its looking great and coming along really nicely , i love the colors you chose for the sideing ! Keep up the great work 👍👍👍💙
Thank you! My wife helped me pick the color, and I love it. We plan to choose some accent colors as well, such as a cedar tan color, then do some stone veneer as an accent under the front porch.
Wow! That sounds great ! I cant wait to see how it looks !👍👍👍