How to teach your child to be a Good Person?

in #home6 years ago

Teaching a good behavior to children is undoubtedly a daunting task for parents. But you can easily master this part of parenting without using the standard discipline methods that many of us were raised with. All you need to do is to make certain changes in your approach so that you can help your child to be a good person. Always remember, a mannered child grows into a good and mannered adult and it is never too early or too late to teach your child to be a good person.

Here are some ways that can help you make your child be a good person:

  1. Show the example: Parents are the first teacher for every child. Children mostly learn from their parents. They observe them, analyze them and most importantly get inspired by them. So it is really important that you behave exactly how you want your children to behave with you or with the others.

Also say “Please” or “Thank You”, whenever you ask them to do anything. Always remember to check your language before speaking, as children often mimic the way adult speaks. So only say things that you want your children to learn.

  1. Recognize your child’s polite moments: Always praise your child for their good actions and behavior. Appreciate their small kind acts, like bringing you water to opening doors for people. Say thanks for all the things they do for you in a day.
    When a child, or any child, is polite or nice to you, don’t forget to acknowledge them. By doing so, you will reinforce the polite behavior in them.

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  1. Teach to always speak a truth: This is another important thing that every parent must teach their children in their growing years. Many children develop a habit of making up stories and lying to their parents. So if you don’t want your children to lie to you, teach them to always speak the truth, no matter what. To become a good person, it is really important for every child to follow the path of honesty and truth.

Also if you find your children lie, don’t start accusing them. Instead, tell them the importance of truth and show them how proud you feel when they are truthful.

  1. Teach them how to co-operate with others: People mostly blame the parents if the kids behave inappropriately or aggressively. So it is of utmost importance that you teach your children the right behavior. A child must cooperate with others present around and must always ready to help others.

Nowadays children live in neutral families, which is also one of the reasons they lose temper and act weird when in the crowd. So always make sure you take your child for group activities to teach them tenderness, cooperation, and affection. This will surely help them become a good human.

  1. Help them develop a habit of reading: Reading is the best way to incorporate good things into your child. So no matter how old your baby is, make them love reading stories or books. If your child is too young to read, you can read to them. Many studies have revealed that the babies who are read to in their growing years start reading early. Children who are voracious reader also develop more confidence and poise as compare to those who don’t read much.

So make sure you spend time with your children and read them stories of their favorite character. Also, try to read the stories that can teach them some lesson which they can use in real life as well. Reading stories to your children will also inspire your kids in some way or the other to become a better human being from the beginning.

  1. Teach them to socialize: Teaching your children to socialize can make them grow into a smart, confident, friendly and kind person. It will also help them socialize with people on their own. It is really important for children to make new friends, talk to different people and learn socializing as doing so will also fill them with confidence and they will surely become a good person when they will grow up.

Last but not the least, to become a good person, a child must learn how to shake hands, show respect for older people, behave quietly in public places, and avoid interrupting other people in conversation. So follow all these important factors and help your child to grow into a good and responsible person.


thanks for posting with this quality. I'm not dad yet, but my dad has taught me a lot of good and bad stuff (which I avoid) I hope people see these good principles :) not everyone do it this way

Thanks for read attentively.