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RE: War of the junkies. Getting help for being homeless

in #homeless3 months ago

I ponder how much of this would not be happening if money was obsoleted and We all are living as richly as We choose...

No doubt the drugs proliferated because Some could make a profit off it, and surely poverty and homelessness are a symptom of money use.

Thinking about 100% of these problems would be solved for...

Solving for Poverty (article):


Yeah I'm just going to have to get back to trading and building volume! I'm actually pretty happy that I'm doing pretty good!

Well, when the need for trade - which is an accounting for Our energy added - is no longer a thing, We all will live as richly as We choose.  [smile]  Including Me.  Haha!

Kinda tired of living in 6 sq. feet of space, sleeping on the floor (that has this nasty vibration from something in the basement...).  LOL!